The 'Orion' [Ship]

Name: Orion
Type: Federation Dual-type Guard
Rank: variable
Special Module: ‘Longbow’ Station
     Deploys a mobile station on the battlefield that has a large forward-facing shield on it. The shield rotates in sync with the user, but remains stationary at all times. Upon second activation after it is deployed, the station fires a heavy projectile in the direction it is facing. (2,250m/s speed, 8,750m range, 100m radius, 6 second recharge) After every shot, allies behind the station, including the user, gain 50pts of shield resistance to all damage for 12 seconds. This effect stacks up to 200pts of resistance. If the user moves more than 1,500m from the station, it self-destructs.
Primary Weapon: Sah’Hayk Projector
     Rapidly fires quick bolts of plasma at the crosshairs. Each bolt locks on to and tracks a random enemy in a 30deg cone.
Active Module: Hunter’s Presence
Releases a large, slow moving blob of energy that tracks the locked target for 12,000m and agily maneuvers around obstacles. If the target is hit, their hull is burnt by 8,500 thermal damage over 4 seconds. Only one HP can track a target. (200m/s speed, 15 second cooldown)
Active Module: Hunter’s Guidance
     Upon activation, all allied radar ranges within 5,000m are added up and given to the affected allies for 12 seconds. Each ally also receives a 20% speed boost and 45pts of resistance.
Active Module: Saiph Beam
     Projects a solid plasma blade in front of the ship that will deal tremendous EM damage to any enemy that it touches for 5 seconds. 550m range)


Passive ship effect: Any allied pilot can chose to launch as a Rigel ship while the user is on the field. The Rigel will land on the field directly behind the user and be required to stay within 5,000m of the user or it will self-destruct. The Rigel will act as a close-combat ship to protect the Orion with special abilities.

Only one Rigel can exist on the map per Orion.

Name: Rigel
Type: Federation C-C Covert Ops
Rank: variable
Special Module: Solar Wind
     Upon activation, creates a large cone of directional radiation towards the front of the ship. The cone will push enemies in the direction is faces, as well as damage them, for 16 seconds. (2,000m range, 28 second cooldown)
Primary Weapon: Sah’Hayk Launcher
     Rapidly sequentially fires small homing missiles with a large spread and short heating period.
Secondary Weapon: Fusion Grenade
     Flings a slowly decelerating grenade at the crosshairs for 2,700m. If it hits an enemy, or sits in space for more than 10 seconds, it detonates in to an expanding fireball that deals increasing damage as it grows up to a 700m radius.
Active Module: Meissa Pulse
     Activation sends out a pulse of energy from the ship with a radius of 3,000m. If an ally and enemy are simultaneously hit by it, the shield volume of the enemy will be transferred to the nearest ally at a rate of 1,200pts/s. Up to 3 pairs of ships can be affected at once and only one siphon per enemy.
Active Module: Cosmic Ray Burst
     Activation causes a thin beam to form aimed at the crosshairs at a range of 4,000m. Any enemies hit by the beam suffer dramatic and random effects. Systems shut down. Radars suffer. Weapons malfunction. Ammunition detonates. Engines sputter. Movement is made difficult. A myriad of effects can happen as the enemies are under the beam, but only while they are under it. The beam travels through any barrier or object.
Active Module: Synergetic Blink
     The Rigel returns to the Orion instantly and begins to slowly regenerate hull and shields for both ships.

7 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Name: Orion
Type: Federation Dual-type Guard
Rank: variable
Special Module: ‘Longbow’ Station
     Deploys a mobile station on the battlefield that has a large forward-facing shield on it. The shield rotates in sync with the user, but remains stationary at all times. Upon second activation after it is deployed, the station fires a heavy projectile in the direction it is facing. (2,250m/s speed, 8,750m range, 100m radius, 6 second recharge) After every shot, allies behind the station, including the user, gain 50pts of shield resistance to all damage for 12 seconds. This effect stacks up to 200pts of resistance. If the user moves more than 1,500m from the station, it self-destructs.
Primary Weapon: Sah’Hayk Projector
     Rapidly fires quick bolts of plasma at the crosshairs. Each bolt locks on to and tracks a random enemy in a 30deg cone.
Active Module: Hunter’s Presence
Releases a large, slow moving blob of energy that tracks the locked target for 12,000m and agily maneuvers around obstacles. If the target is hit, their hull is burnt by 8,500 thermal damage over 4 seconds. Only one HP can track a target. (200m/s speed, 15 second cooldown)
Active Module: Hunter’s Guidance
     Upon activation, all allied radar ranges within 5,000m are added up and given to the affected allies for 12 seconds. Each ally also receives a 20% speed boost and 45pts of resistance.
Active Module: Saiph Beam
     Projects a solid plasma blade in front of the ship that will deal tremendous EM damage to any enemy that it touches for 5 seconds. 550m range)


Passive ship effect: Any allied pilot can chose to launch as a Rigel ship while the user is on the field. The Rigel will land on the field directly behind the user and be required to stay within 5,000m of the user or it will self-destruct. The Rigel will act as a close-combat ship to protect the Orion with special abilities.

Only one Rigel can exist on the map per Orion.

Name: Rigel
Type: Federation C-C Covert Ops
Rank: variable
Special Module: Solar Wind
     Upon activation, creates a large cone of directional radiation towards the front of the ship. The cone will push enemies in the direction is faces, as well as damage them, for 16 seconds. (2,000m range, 28 second cooldown)
Primary Weapon: Sah’Hayk Launcher
     Rapidly sequentially fires small homing missiles with a large spread and short heating period.
Secondary Weapon: Fusion Grenade
     Flings a slowly decelerating grenade at the crosshairs for 2,700m. If it hits an enemy, or sits in space for more than 10 seconds, it detonates in to an expanding fireball that deals increasing damage as it grows up to a 700m radius.
Active Module: Meissa Pulse
     Activation sends out a pulse of energy from the ship with a radius of 3,000m. If an ally and enemy are simultaneously hit by it, the shield volume of the enemy will be transferred to the nearest ally at a rate of 1,200pts/s. Up to 3 pairs of ships can be affected at once and only one siphon per enemy.
Active Module: Cosmic Ray Burst
     Activation causes a thin beam to form aimed at the crosshairs at a range of 4,000m. Any enemies hit by the beam suffer dramatic and random effects. Systems shut down. Radars suffer. Weapons malfunction. Ammunition detonates. Engines sputter. Movement is made difficult. A myriad of effects can happen as the enemies are under the beam, but only while they are under it. The beam travels through any barrier or object.
Active Module: Synergetic Blink
     The Rigel returns to the Orion instantly and begins to slowly regenerate hull and shields for both ships.

interesting, very interesting

On 4/30/2018 at 4:56 PM, evo888 said:

interesting, very interesting

 Why did you quote his entire string?  ![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)

Guard? The Saucer should be fine … for a while - not?

7 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Guard? The Saucer should be fine … for a while - not?

Then engi. Guard just seemed right for it.

57 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Then engi. Guard just seemed right for it.

![:001:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001.png “:001:”) - maybe
