In the hope we might actually be able to get something done about this, I’m going to try and bring together some key info and hash out the key problems.
First, let’s take a look at the new leveling rewards. Kudos to OmegaFighter for this.
Here some info you want: Amount of rewards in total per rank, if you already complain about what you don’t get, you should at least know the values.
Faction Rewards (All factions have same)
Rank 1 - None
Rank 2 - Engine Package, 50k Credits
Rank 3 - Computing System, 100k Credits
Rank 4 - Deflector Package, 150k Credits
Rank 5 - 8 Neodium plates, 250k Credits
Rank 6 - 2 Reactor Packages, 300k Credits
Rank 7 - 3 Exterior Structures. 500k Credits
Rank 8 - 10 Neodium Plates, 700k Credits
Rank 9 - Engine Package, 900k Credits
Rank 10 - 2 Computing Systems, 1,1M Credits
Rank 11 - 10 Neodium Plates, 1,2M Credits
Rank 12 - 2 Reactor Packages, 1,3M Credits
Rank 13 - 5 Exterior Structures, 1,4M Credits
Rank 14 - Deflector Package, 1,5M Credits
Rank 15 - 15 Neodium Plates, 1,7M Credits
Total rewards for 1 Faction : 11,150 Million Credits (11.150.000), 53 Neodium Plates (You need 32 for a rank 8 Destroyer), 4 Reactor Packages, 8 Exterior Structures, 2 Deflector Packages, 3 Computing Systems and 2 Engine Packages.
Take this times three…
33,450 Million Credits (33.450.000), 159 Neodium Plates, 12 Reactor Packages, 24 Exterior Structures, 6 Deflector Packages, 9 Computing Systems and 6 Engine Packages
Ship Parts in Monocrystals: 240 + 432 + 120 + 198 + 132 = 1122 Monocrystals equals 187 daily days (If you visit all 3 stations) without premium license and 125 with premium license.
I hope this cleans up some things, so you can imagine better.
For now, we’ll ignore the credits as that is not the key issue here (although personally, 11 million is over a fifth of my current credit stockpile!). The key issue is the ship components. Let’s see what we can build with those… over to you, Koromac!
[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29576-resource-cost-information-for-secret-project-ships-and-destroyers/)
Using this information we can work out what ships, if any, we can build with this part stockpile. If we can’t build any, we can look at how much work is needed to actually build one.
Going through the list, bringing a single faction to R15 means we have a fairly good selection of ships. But here’s a few winning entries:
Empire Destroyer: Needs just 40 Monocrystals to build the internal structures. Leaves us with 1/2 Engine, 2/4 Reactor, 1/2 Deflector, 5/8 External Structures, 1/3 Computing systems and 7/11 mil credits left over from our leveling bonus.
The other Destroyers need a little more grind to unlock, but getting another faction to R15 will take care of that no problem.
What about Secret Projects? How close to bagging one will ranking a single faction get us? Well, if you want the Kraken then you’ll be pretty damn close! All you need is one extra External, and the 5 Internal structures. That’s 138 monocrystals.
What’s 138 mono in real terms? 69 days of single OS missions (46 with license), or 23 days of doing all three OS missions (15 days with license, plus a single OS on day 16). Add to that the occasional 1 mono from daily login and 2 mono from ship assignment, and you can potentially grab your Kraken before you hit Rank 15!
But who flies just one faction? I know I don’t! So, assuming I like to fly everything, just how fast can I get my Secret Project ship? Well, by reaching Rank 9 with two factions and Rank 10 with a third, you’ll have everything you need for the Cyning! Then you just need to find 40 monos and crafting materials to finish her off. Luckily, leveling up to get these parts also gives you 2.9 mil to buy R15 Mk II modules with, which can be salvaged for the graphite and osmium you need. Login bonuses will also help. That leaves just 20/14 days of OS missions, or 7/5 if you want to blitz the hell out of it, to get your Monos. You should be able to pick up any missing materials then too.
Devs, do you see why we’re angry now? Players who are only just entering Tier 4 can potentially build a Secret Project ship before ever facing T5 in combat! They can basically skip an entire tier and jump straight to the endgame, with the ships that were meant to be included as long term player goals!
No Vet currently playing got their Secret Project ship, if they have one at all, before hitting Rank 15. For a lot of us, that was a requirement to unlocking the ships in the first place!
So, how long would it take a vet to build the Cyning from scratch? If we assume all they need is monocrystal, you need 424 of them to build it. That’s 212/142 days of single missions, or 71/48 days of triple OS missions.
If I want a Cyning, I have to spend most of a year grinding for it, and only Open Space counts. A new player need only do the occasional OS mission, and will get the bulk of the parts from PvP and PvE. A smart player who looked up the forums and planned ahead could easily have that ship in 30 days.
Again, let that sink in. A new player, with an account 30 days old, could have a Secret Project ship.
Do you see why we are upset? Not only are you giving endgame content away to inexperienced players for virtually no effort, you are then turning around and saying “existing players can’t have this”.
I hope this will be a wake up call for you, because it sickened me to write this out.