The Lost Fleet by Jack Campbell

The Lost Fleet is the beginning of a very good military scifi book series.

For those who haven’t read yet don’t look into the spoiler. Only look in if you don’t care or have already read the series up to present.

What if instead of fighting like people we fought like the Enigmas. In other words, instead of fighting face to face or trying to show up front, how strong you are, what if we didn’t let our opponent see where we were. It’s like tackler gameplay except you don’t know where the enemy is and even if you could see the enemy what if your enemy was not really there? What if we used the Trojan horse to an even grander scale like the hypernet gates? It’s like instead of men in guns being the main fighting force the main were spies or ninjas.

In school, when boys (or even girls) fight they fight face to face. But what if they didnt? What if they still inflicted physical pain in another way? Currently I am spewing out words.

Just for speculation and fun. I probably made no sense in the spoiler. You will get what I mean if you read the series.

I read the series and I have still no idea what u r getting at. What’s ur point?

It’s not that great actually, just military sci-fi. I read them all it passed the time, but now i don’t remember even 1 character from those books. 

Overall, I do feel this series is among the quality side of military space opera with great attention to the physics of space combat.


Though it was quite repetitive at times, it was good idea to shake things up and encompass the aliens to the conflict.

I read the series and I have still no idea what u r getting at. What’s ur point?

I don’t understand my point either. It’s hard to put it in words.

What if the nature of humans was not to fight like we currently do but to fight like enigmas. We all really do tha somewhat using espionage but what if espionage was our main form of fighting. What if children, when they get in disputes, used espionage tactics instead of brute force fighting.

I don’t understand my point either. It’s hard to put it in words.

What if the nature of humans was not to fight like we currently do but to fight like enigmas. We all really do tha somewhat using espionage but what if espionage was our main form of fighting. What if children, when they get in disputes, used espionage tactics instead of brute force fighting.


So u listed some scenarios, what’s your point?

I don’t understand my point either. It’s hard to put it in words.

What if the nature of humans was not to fight like we currently do but to fight like enigmas. We all really do tha somewhat using espionage but what if espionage was our main form of fighting. What if children, when they get in disputes, used espionage tactics instead of brute force fighting.


It sounds like you started the friday evening early with a joint :smiley:

Like I said speculation.

embargo & espionage.


“Hi I am the 21st century, it is nice to see you Efefay. Would you like to step through the door, or are you just looking?”


That said, you seam to be a nice person. I truely am only being facetious.