The imagination of the Ellydium Destroyer


Honestly I’m in love. This is the second best ship model idea in the game. First being Leviathan ofc but that’s an old one.


Fav fav fav. Cmon devs lets see it happen!!! We’ve given you plenty of material to work with!

Why can’t I favorite a thread. Let me bookmark this for safe-keeping

wow. just wow! really epic! 100% make it happen, i was hoping that dev’s will give us a event like last years for dessy concept, i hope this will happen again soon ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

the ship made me think of this one:“Marduk”_Guardian

they quite similar in form, did you get inspiration from it ?

Did you draw this yourself? That is pretty damn impressive my man! It looks bada$$

Looks like it’s straight out of a killer whale reference

31 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

a killer whale reference

Someone called?


2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Someone called?

Whale look who’s there ^^

6 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Whale look who’s there ^^

Whale, i did not sea it comin ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

All the best ships are fish or snake based.


Orca(Dar’zon), Leviathan, Shark, Cthulhu, Krait, Viper, Swordfish, Octopus, Piranha-B2, Stingray, Styx(it’s a river so it counts OK), Black Dragon, etc

cool idea! let’s brainstorm some more weapon and module concepts



Name: Quantum Scanner Array

Type: Multipurpose Destroyer Module

Recharge: 30s

Energy: 200pts

Passive effect: All enemies and enemy objects gain a HUD reticle regardless of radar visibility, within 6,000m. (all allies can see HUD squares and ranges where enemy ships are)

Active effect: Makes all enemies and enemy objects on the map visible and lockable for all allies for 10 seconds. (On activation, the whole map hears a loud *PING* sound effect and everyone is visible.)



Name: Hunter Drone

Type: Ellydium Destroyer Module

Recharge: 60s

User damage: 8,000pts

Shields: 3,750pts

Hull: 6,250pts

Flight Speed: 575m/s

Turn speed: 40deg/s

Weapon: Turbophaser Mk2

Tooltip: Detaches a large crystal fighter from the hull of the ship that can be controlled for 30 seconds. Upon deactivation or after 30 seconds, the connection is lost and the drone acts on its own AI until it is destroyed. While the user is controlling the fighter drone, the module acts as a heavy turret dealing insane damage to enemies within 750m.

maybe one of the active modules would fire 3 beams that lock onto 3 different enemies at a time and deal 10k damage over 20 seconds


and an active module that projects a massive bastion shield on the position of a locked teammate

Name: Biomorphic Emitter

Type: Ellydium Destroyer Module

Recharge: 60s

Passive effect: Damages enemy ships and repairs ally ships within 2,000m by 1% of hull every second.

Active effect: The locked target within 3,000m is infected with a modified Biomorph crystal growth. Their ship is completely transformed in 10 seconds unless they take 50% of their hull vomume in hull damage. A transformed enemy will count as one kill, and act as an allied bot for an indefinite time, using the target’s loadout.

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Name: Biomorphic Emitter

Type: Ellydium Destroyer Module

Recharge: 60s

Passive effect: Damages enemy ships and repairs ally ships within 2,000m by 1% of hull every second.

Active effect: The locked target within 3,000m is infected with a modified Biomorph crystal growth. Their ship is completely transformed in 10 seconds unless they take 50% of their hull vomume in hull damage. A transformed enemy will count as one kill, and act as an allied bot for an indefinite time, using the target’s loadout.

ehrmagerd! yes! although I feel like this would be better as two modules, one projecting a field that damages enemies and heals allies, while the other fires a guided missile that will infect the target if it hits

Made a suggestion. Go see it.

Really good ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) By the way, we’re thinking about doing destroyer design contest again

9 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Really good ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) By the way, we’re thinking about doing destroyer design contest again



I’m going to put up my “bomber” destroyer idea

Can we have some frame/outline like this


, without resemblence to dragons or fantasy animals (in space) please (and maybe there are other destroyer shapes than long cylindrical cigar shape?).


New contest?   ![:yes_yes_yes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”)

Very good ![:good:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/good.gif “:good:”)