The healer role: What do we wish for the Engineer update?

The healer role is uniquely given to the Engineer frigate in SC (safe that the destroyers have also a heavy repair drone, but only for short distances of 300m and below).


Most player find it a bit irritating if players choose to use Engineer frigates like the Phoenix or the Wazgot in the more aggressive role as hit-and-run, fire-support ship, more resembling a gunship with stripped or muted healing capacities.


I find it interesting what you would like to see in the upcoming Engineer upgrade?


Another thing that bothers me, though I have no real clue on this issue, is the after battle reward system , and if it should be reformed to encourage players to play the healing role of the Engineer frigates more often, even in random PvP (outside organized group/corporation/leagues/tournaments play)? Meaning to reward healing assists as a separate thing besides the kills, assists and beacon capture etc.


Please write your suggestions and thought and insights.


P.S. I tried to suggest this [Heavy repair module](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36034-engineer-upgrade-heavy-repair-module-for-missile-bay/) for the Engineer’s missile bay. This would render the Engineer frigate more stripped off it’s offensive damaging capabilities but trading in more dedicated healer attitudes.   Would be interesting to me, what you think if that could be a way to get the Engineer more towards healers in random PvP and PvE etc.pp.

I want more thing to build. I wanna build a station and a wall and force fields and multiple warp stations and stuff like that. I want engineers to have more buildables. Things you place in space.


Also drones. Love drones.

26 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I want more thing to build. I wanna build a station and a wall and force fields and multiple warp stations and stuff like that. I want engineers to have more buildables. Things you place in space.


Also drones. Love drones.

agreed on every count

1 hour ago, avarshina said:

The healer role is uniquely given to the Engineer frigate in SC (safe that the destroyers have also a heavy repair drone, but only for short distances of 300m and below).


Most player find it a bit irritating if players choose to use Engineer frigates like the Phoenix or the Wazgot in the more aggressive role as hit-and-run, fire-support ship, more resembling a gunship with stripped or muted healing capacities.


I find it interesting what you would like to see in the upcoming Engineer upgrade?


Another thing that bothers me, though I have no real clue on this issue, is the after battle reward system, and if it should be reformed to encourage players to play the healing role of the Engineer frigates more often, even in random PvP (outside organized group/corporation/leagues/tournaments play)? Meaning to reward healing assists as a separate thing besides the kills, assists and beacon capture etc.


Please write your suggestions and thought and insights.


P.S. I tried to suggest this [Heavy repair module](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36034-engineer-upgrade-heavy-repair-module-for-missile-bay/) for the Engineer’s missile bay. This would render the Engineer frigate more stripped off it’s offensive damaging capabilities but trading in more dedicated healer attitudes.   Would be interesting to me, what you think if that could be a way to get the Engineer more towards healers in random PvP and PvE etc.pp.

I agree, combat engineers are somewhat boring, engineers should be in two main categories, frontline support and objective support


frontline support would be more federation oriented, healing all allies in a large area on the frontline. they would be a more agressive type of engineer. pretty much all engineer equipment fits this role.


objective support is currently too niche, their specialty is defending with barriers, stations, and minefield. these engineers do best in beacon or station mode, however at the moment not enough items fit this role. mechanics to help this would be:

-give existing deployables effects like the waz’got battle station wherein they only operate within proximity of the user, however they otherwise operate indefinitely

-fox’s [Patriot Barrier](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/35942-patriot-barrier-system-module/&page=2&tab=comments#comment-419174)


Whoever thinks that Engineers should only be a heal bot and nothing else can go and suск it






Why dont you just do what elly development does? Build everything as a damage dealer/healer cancer ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


39 minutes ago, xKostyan said:


Dude, where dem catpics at?

52 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:


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Why dont you just do what elly development does? Build everything as a damage dealer/healer cancer ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)



What is this? Private server? I know just four players here.


Also R15 aginst R8…

Mm su ck



i want more useful passive modules for a bit of survivability


e.g. an old style adaptive shield for med/high tier feds, like grizzly and osprey


maybe also nice situational manouverability

maybe an energy module working like a shield booster for empire

some nice strafe engines for low-mid tier feds


52 minutes ago, g4borg said:

i want more useful passive modules for a bit of survivability

e.g. an old style adaptive shield for med/high tier feds, like grizzly and osprey

Yes - me too. Have you seen all the other new modules, they have multiple goodies not so unoften… Also I want this because, foreseeable, the devs will be shy to give the engineer more powerful weapons. And some silver engies are not exactly steadfast …


55 minutes ago, g4borg said:

maybe an energy module working like a shield booster for empire …

My second though also was : energy, because of all the boosted anti-energy warefare-modules and weaponry nowadays.


58 minutes ago, g4borg said:

maybe also nice situational manouverability

some nice strafe engines for low-mid tier feds

Yah - that would be very wonderful! My best strafe/maneuverability build of the Waz’Got is still behind the standard values for fighters -  anyhow not better than fighters - and fighters can be upgraded in this field!

Yeah I want MOAR stuff to BUILD on the battlefield!!!


Heck, i think you could make a mini aircraft carrier that has a small army of baby drones that the engineer’s could deploy, that’d be cool!


Engineer frigates used to be my most favored ship type, but got boring after a while since it’s very repetitive gameplay.

3 hours ago, GatoGrande said:

What is this? Private server? I know just four players here.


Also R15 aginst R8…

Mm su ck

Daily EU i guess, just people trying to use and abuse new mods with t4s vs classic

Mm sk ill

Passive Empire healer and agressive,active Federation healers.


Because empire can live long and would with new modules and modifiers, live longer hence make passive viable. Active federation healers because they are faster and have a playstyle oriented on quicker actions than empire.


And don’t mind what kind, from looking at the previous types, it will be better than what they are now.(Engi being my fav battling top with Command).

Sky hok rocket with healing puls for long range healing

For them actually matter in combat instead of getting facemelted the instant they are able to be targeted by the enemy.


“any fighter”. oh look an engineer flying around … free kill .  An Octopus with 5k Cap and dual reps can’t even outlast the most simple fighter,

and their lack of agility, speed and survivability in general makes them an easy prey for anyone who got a weapon mounted.


They got no repairs worth mentioning, their Eclipse Launcher’s repair-amount is LAUGHABLE at best compared to the game currently in game,

the repair-range is severely limited.



just let them have adaptive shields work on hull & shield again.

22 minutes ago, Oregyen said:

just let them have adaptive shields work on hull & shield again.

that’s cheating!

2 hours ago, Progenitor2 said:

“any fighter”. oh look an engineer flying around … free kill .  An Octopus with 5k Cap and dual reps can’t even outlast the most simple fighter,

and their lack of agility, speed and survivability in general makes them an easy prey for anyone who got a weapon mounted.



On 2/20/2018 at 9:21 PM, ORCA1911 said:


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