The first inter-corporate Championship


Headquarters need help of the most experienced pilots in order to stop the Invasion!
A big war is coming and we need the best pilots to protect our sectors!
We are starting the first inter-corporate Championship!

The winners of the tournament not only receive a great boost to their in game wallet, but also valuable prizes from an gaming expert when it comes to professional gaming equipment - Tt eSPORTS!
Registration is open! Hurry, the time is limited and the biomorphs are coming closer to our homes!
Awards for the championship winners
Team awards:
1st place - 45 000 Galactic Standards for each pilot!
2nd place - 30 000 Galactic Standards for each pilot!
3rd place - 22 500 Galactic Standards + 5 000 Artifacts for each pilot!
But that’s not all!

Special prizes for the effectiveness from the Tt eSPORTS!
Three of the most effective pilots of the winning team will receive special prizes from our sponsor - Tt eSPORTS!
The best pilot will be recognized by his effectivness points in the championship.


The pilot, who takes the 1st place will receive:
Professional Gaming Headset Tt eSPORTS DRACCO Capitan and Professional Gaming Mouse Tt eSPORTS Level 10 M
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The pilot, who takes the 2nd place will receive:
Professional Gaming Headset Tt eSPORTS CRONOS and Professional Gaming Mouse Tt eSPORTS THERON Battle Edition
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The pilot, who takes the 3rd place will receive:
Professional Gaming Headset Tt eSPORTS SHOCK and Gaming Mouse Tt eSPORTS AZURUES
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There is more to come!

Teams which reached the knock out stage, but were eliminated receive:

  • For reaching quarterfinals - 7 500 Galactic Standards for each pilot!
  • For reaching semi-finals - 9 000 Galactic Standards for each pilot!


Stay tuned for more news!


Nomination “Best Skill” in the Championship - 30 000 GS (highest number of kills from a single person during the whole championship).

Nomination “Best Assistant” in the championship - 30 000 GS (highest number of assists from a single person during the whole championship).


Only one team is allowed per corporation. We recommend internal qualification fights in each corporation.
All team members need to be in the same corporation.

Each player can only be member of one team.

Accounts and corporations created after July 20th are not allowed to participate.

Players who switched from one corporation to another after July 20th, are not allowed to join the tournament.


Team composition

  1. Captain (will be used as contact person during the tournament for coordinating the whole team)
  2. Team of 8 pilots
  3. 1 to 3 reserve pilots
    Maximum team size including the captain and reserve pilots is not allowed to be more than 12 and less than 9 pilots
    Registration opens on August 8th, 2014
    Registration closes on August 15th, 2014


How can I apply?
Write a private message to Troll via in-game mail.

Send all questions regarding tournament rules via in-game mail to Troll.

  1. Name of the corporation

  2. Name of the team captain

  3. Team composition

  4. Reserve pilots

  5. Your region (Which is the preferred server for your team: (US, EU, RUS, SA)

  6. Team’s slogan


Any questions regarding the registration and participation can be asked in this thread.


General rules of the Championship

  1. Allowed ship ranks: rank 7 - 9.
  2. Friendly-Fire is turned on.
  3. Reverse Thrusters, Attack Drones, Doomsday Missiles - are prohibited.
  4. Mk V weapons, MK IV Ammunition (from Invasion game mode) - allowed.
  5. Failure to appear to a battle or being late more than 10 minutes - counts as surrender.
  6. If a staged fight is detected at any stage during the Championship - both teams get disqualified and excluded from the tournament.
  7. If a players looses the connection to a battle (“Disconnected”) the team is responsible and the battle will not be interrupted.
  8. It is allowed to replace team members during the registration period.
  9. It is not allowed to replace team members after the registration period without the agreement of the administration of the Championship.
  10. All other rules are listed in the General rules of e-sport events. If any e-sport rule conflicts with the regulations of the Championship - the Championship regulation takes priority.
  11. For incorrect behaviour of individual players on the team - incorrect statements about the other team, observers, streamers or commentators of the Championship and unsportsmanlike behaviour - the player is cautioned - if the player continues after repeated warnings he will be suspended from the tournament and the team plays with less players until the end of the tournament.
  12. The administration of the Championship selects the server on which the battle is hosted to its best possibility.
  13. The number of allowed ship slots is 1 - 4.

Group Stage

  1. Game mode - “Detonation” or “Capture the beacons”.
  2. The map is selected randomly and reported to the teams one day before the battle.
  3. The winning team receives 9 points.
  4. For each captured beacon or destroyed station, the team receives 6 points.
  5. For every 10 ships destroyed, the team receives 3 points. If the amount is not exact, the number will be rounded down.
  6. For a draw each team receives 7 points.
  7. Each team fights all other teams in the same group one time. The match consists of two battles.
  8. From each group the two teams with the highest amount of points qualify for the play-offs.
  9. Avoiding combat, disrupting a battle or unsportsmanlike behaviour - a penalty of 15 points for the according team.
  10. The game mode will be selected by the administration of the Championship.
  11. Further regulations - see “General rules of the Championship”.

Knock-out Stage

  1. Each battle will be performed in 3 rounds. The team, that first wins 2 rounds, is recognized as the winner of the battle.
  2. Allowed ship ranks - rank 7 - 9.
  3. Game modes: “Team Battle”, “Domination” or “Capture the beacons”.
  4. The game mode will not be disclosed until 2 days before the battle.

These rules are an addition to the General e-sport Rules and the administration has the right to make changes to these rules at any stage of the championship.

The exact schedule of matches will be announced two days before the match.


Match Schedule


Group Stage




Knock-out Stage




This schedule is final and will not be changed. If the team can not play on the appointed day, please inform [Lezort](< base_url >/index.php?s=75ae14f17700ce096c118619576db2a4&&app=members&module=messaging&section=send&do=form&preview=1&_from=quickPM&fromMemberID=244469), he will replace the team with a reserve.