The Executor and Boremys are listed on sale in-game it says -100%, but have no price change

Anyone else seeing this “-100%” discount on the  Executor and Boremys? Got my hopes up and then realized it was the same price as usual.


| Error report |
| Describe problem and what you saw | The Executor and Boremys are listed on sale in-game it says -100%, but have no price change |
| What you expected to see | Either a sale price, or if not on sale, then no discount label. |
| Conditions in which error reproduce | All the time. |
| Problem details | The Executor and Boremys on sale for -100% but it is not the case. |
| Frequency of reproduction | always |
| Time of bug | 9:43AM EST |

Weird that you haven’t gotten a response to this yet. I sense a non-humorous  April Fool’s joke somewhere around the corner…

-100% means it will remove 100% of your resources.

Well the latest patch removed any sale there was on the ships. Was really looking forward to getting an Executor but not anymore  ![:005:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005.png “:005:”) thanks devs for fixing the bug I guess…

… I can’t believe I actually thought for one moment we would get compensated for getting chumped haha. Plenty of compassion here, that’s for sure!

Fixed already