The Energy Game

Who knows what it is? I know what the Energy Game is but I want to know if you know before I continue this discussion.

No, I don’t

  :013j:  ?


Every chance I get my ship loves to take energy from others    :004j:

errrr… whut?

AB use -> energy regen?

The Energy Game is where energy regeneration and energy pool is important to the efficiency of an active module or a ship modifier. It does not include afterburning ability or the ability to activate modules. For example the Command’s diffusion shield depends on the energy regeneration and energy pool to be effective while the ECM’s energy drain combats energy effectiveness.


Right now the Energy Game is small. Only a few ships are affected by it.


Edit: Adaptive ship modifiers and hull regen ship modifiers also play the Energy Game but to a lesser extent.

Does anyone know what “pointless forum topic” is.


It is a game where players make pointless forum topics, here I want to play!


Ahh xxxx, efefay and TheDarkRedFox already beat me to the punch.


That said, keep up on those tutorial videos. They are helpfull for new players. Perhaps a video illistrating to new players how energy affects the game. I would be ok with you coining your own terms that way…

I am perplexed

Does anyone know what “pointless forum topic” is.


It is a game where players make pointless forum topics, here I want to play!


Ahh xxxx, efefay and TheDarkRedFox already beat me to the punch.


That said, keep up on those tutorial videos. They are helpfull for new players. Perhaps a video illistrating to new players how energy affects the game. I would be ok with you coining your own terms that way…


It actually has a point but I’ll just skip to it now. I want Energy to play a bigger role than just activating modules or allowing you to afterburn.


The Static Barrier could have a health bar that relies on energy taken from the Engineer. The larger the energy regeneration the longer the static barrier lasts. As long a the Engie is within a certain radius.

the energy game or energy war is generally related to everything around energy, i used that term here on the forums on multiple occasions in the past. interesting you bring it up.


it includes abilities to disrupt, abuse, purge etc. the energy and make the enemy ship/fleet unable to cast any abilities, and/or break the equilibrium of a ship, deny energycostly specials or even use the enemies energy to your advantage.

it’s an important tactical part of some games, most notably starbattle and eve;

in starbattle it is so important, that in inhouse games, 15-30 minutes into the battle, one tactic is to completely overrun the other team with energy denial, while focusing on heavy usage of specials, which forces the enemy to either invest heavily into energy, or go full damage/tank. once a team however surpasses a certain upgrade point, energy denial becomes less efficient, and other tactics become more relevant; while if you lose the energy game, you usually use half your fleet in the process.


in conflict, it does not really have a lot of impact, since the energy regenerates rather fast, and only a few ships have energy breaking abilities, and if they have it, they are either just annoyances like energy neut fields or overpowered like t5 siphon, and there are only a few modules which need greater energy investment.

also, you cannot invest in the game into specific parts of your ship, since it isnt a moba, so most of the energy aspects of the game are decided at fitting time, not in the battle.


in the 0.7 era i was missing that part from this game most, because before that, energy siphon was weaker and available on every ship. this way, some fights became interesting in terms of energy; in T5 imho energy stability is way more important because of the module cost, but there is no real energy micromanagement in this game atm. and i think its also a bit fast paced for that; nor does every ship have the ability to increase its stability.


so while i think its certainly a term for this game in some way, it’s not really magic, and we rather talk about stability, in terms of “makes you able to use the ab non stop”

G4 explains it way better than I do. And David stop throwing insults. This thread is to share ideas about how energy can be more dynamic in the game.

Some ideas are:

The Static Barrier having an Energy Health bar that regenerates as long as the Engineer is nearby.

A CPU Modifier that allows you to see Energy bars of enemy ships within a certain radius with each upgrade increasing that radius.

An active module that maintains an enemy’s energy level whether high or low for 8 seconds. Upgrades consist of lower energy costs and increasing range.

A different sort of Particle Purge where when activated destroys the user’s energy but slows the regeneration of enemy ships. Upgrades consist of increased range.

An active module that destroys both the user’s and enemy’s energy but .75 of the combined energy turns into shield for the user.

A JLRF module that when activated stops regeneration of the JLRF and the energy serves as fuel for speeding up, slowing down, and strafing. The position movement stops when energy is gone. Regeneration comes back. Upgrades consist of increased energy efficiency.

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21688-energy-booster/)

The Static Barrier could have a health bar that relies on energy taken from the Engineer. The larger the energy regeneration the longer the static barrier lasts. As long a the Engie is within a certain radius.

Shut it you engie hater.

Some ideas are:

The Static Barrier having an Energy Health bar that regenerates as long as the Engineer is nearby.

This is better

They are exactly the same… Dude it makes energy more important in both scenarios. And I love engies. Besides what is energy to an engineer.

G4 explains it way better than I do. And David stop throwing insults. This thread is to share ideas about how energy can be more dynamic in the game.

I am sorry, you are just too on pickable. Just too damn nice.


In actuality I have a lot of respect for your forum topics.


I do like reading them, even when I disagree with you. You have more curage then I do to post ideas for modules and such. I just don’t post my ideas because I don’t have to balls to hear everyone complain about how I am wrong.


I will agree to be more suttle as I poke fun at you. There are plenty of stupid posts I have made that you didn’t bother to make fun of…

Uh, I know the topic started kinda…weirdly, but this is actually a really great set of ideas:


  1. Static barrier would be much more useful (though maybe a bit too much on ships with energy emit).

  2. If having a lower amount of energy will make you a target, then having >50% will be desired by most, balancing energy draw issues between ships.

  3. The other modules he discusses have serious tactical implications that definitely fit within the game and its meta. Especially for Jeri ships.


So can we get this list forwarded to be considered? 


I definitely +1 this idea.  But not the title :slight_smile:

Any of you guys have ideas to make energy a more dynamic part of the game?

Well it’s already a big part in the game.  It doesn’t need much more than, really, your suggestion to be able to see enemy energy meters through modules, scanners, etc.

Another idea. When you activate this module it allows you to attack directly to the enemy’s hull for 5 seconds but only when the enemy’s energy is 1/4 or less the maximum energy. If energy is above than you end up giving shield strength instead.

Another idea. When you activate this module it allows you to attack directly to the enemy’s hull for 5 seconds but only when the enemy’s energy is 1/4 or less the maximum energy. If energy is above than you end up giving shield strength instead.


5 seconds is longer than you seem to think.  None will go for this.