The award for the marathon “Curse of the Leviathan”



Pilots! It’s time to reward those who managed to get to the top rankings in the brawl.


The results were recorded by UMC engineers as of November 16.

  • All mercenaries who ranked from 1 to 3 place in the “Curse of the Leviathan” brawl leaderboards recorded by the UMC engineers on November 16, will receive a unique coating “Web”, which can only be obtained during this event.
  • All pilots who took places from 4th to 10th places in the ratings of explorers and infected in the “Curse of the Leviathan” brawl recorded by the UMC engineers on November 16, will receive 500 xenocrystals.
  • All pilots who took places from 11 to 20 places in the ratings of researchers and infected in the “Curse of the Leviathan” brawl recorded by UMC engineers on November 16 will receive 300 xenocrystals.


The reward is credited to the account automatically.

We also draw your attention to the fact that a number of players were excluded from the list of awardees, and their places were taken by the next ones on the rating list. The reason for this, as we warned earlier, is a violation of the game rules, namely:


  • Using bugs or vulnerabilities in game mechanics to gain a personal benefit or an unfair advantage.
  • Sabotage of battle, including: intentionally causing damage to the team members, multiple self-destruction, refuse to inflict damage to the opponent, help in any form to the opponent team, including disclosure of coordinates and locations of teammate forces.
  • Coordination with opponent team in order to predetermine the match outcome in advance (fixed battles)

Best regards,

Star Conflict Team