Thar'kth Cannon

2 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Gauss dps doesn’t decrease with charge. More charge, more damage/crit chance or even a double shot. 

Thar Kth doesn’t charge like gauss or Positron do. It just gets more range and less spread. 



Anyway, the main problem is that Thar Kth is both horrible to use and extremely powerful. 

Thar Kth totally lost its identity after the continuous nerfs. 



I have some ideas to restore Thar Kth identity and balancing it. 

I’ll post them in another thread. 

all they need to do is make it em or thermal based and maybe lower time to overheat a little if it’s still very strong.

Thing about gunships is, they’re good at taking a mediocre weapon and making it strong so when you give a gunship a strong weapon it can make that weapon obscene. Blocking lockon ability doesn’t really count as a nerf either, any gunship pilot worth their weight will use dumbfire missiles and you get a predictive circle locked or not. Even if you removed the circle when unlocked, every tharga pilot will just switch to ions and trade a little damage for hitscan.

Giving a gunship covops modules is not a very intelligent design choice. Giving it the ability to warp is also not a very intelligent design choice. Giving it self sustainability based on kills would be a good design choice if the ship had to sacrifice mobility to do so, and is something more at home on a guard ship than a gunship. I say this as someone who plays gunships almost exclusively so I can tell just at a glance what’s broken. I might not even be speaking out about it if I wasn’t forced to spend money to get it, and yeah, you can argue it’s pay to convenience and not pay to win, but the question is convenience to what? That’s right. It’s doublespeak. It’s even worse when a track record for nerfing the previous when the new comes out is established, because nerfing something just as the general population grinds to it and then offering something new that’s behind a conveinence “paywall” is what boils a community down to whales only and kills off new player retention even before they’re able to participate in a player turnover model.

and there’s no real reason to use the r15 version of that gunship anyway when you get a what, 50% damage boost as a rank 10?

Anyway, On paper, aliens vs empires sounds like an interesting concept, but when you introduce it to a free to play game balance just swings in whatever direction the new sellable content is for because most companies don’t have the willpower to refrain from doing so.

Thar Kth would be a lot more balance if the kinetic + EM passives were fused and splitted in a spread or projectile speed passive


But, you know, it’s better to give that gun an absurd 20 to 7 deg base spread, which make this gun absolutely unusable without at kinetic passive + Iridium slug + one or two guidance. 

More spread is not really the way to go with this weapon its already pretty useless 2k+ even using implant, guidance and iri shells. Im in no way defending the weapon as it is right now, but the spread is far from the problem. Atm it stands at 2.2 on an ideal build with full charge, thats shrapnel cannon territory. Again not defending it but its nice to see a kinetic alternative for gunships thats not the old camp with gauss cannon annoyance.

The alien intuition module, ‘spark’ damage buffs, CPU modifiers, rank damage buffs and the flexibility of the ship capacitor slots can all contribute to making this thing a monster, but that involves players building correctly, making comprimise and also applies to any other weapon that could be fitted. So the answer i believe is continued work on the alien int module and perhaps a little lowering of base dam but not that much tbh. This fitting can run into trouble v some frigs rn and that is something that no proper gunship has ever have a problem with.

Also on alien int mod, many a player is not going to care if they cannot lock their target with 15k/s proj speed from that low range.

I was sarcastic. 


IMO reducing the damages to 2k per shot, and reducing the spread to 7-1.5 deg would solve most problems.

It used to be a mixt between gauss and shrapnel. Now it’s just a shrapnel, and another shrapnel. 

56 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

I was sarcastic. 


IMO reducing the damages to 2k per shot, and reducing the spread to 7-1.5 deg would solve most problems.

It used to be a mixt between gauss and shrapnel. Now it’s just a shrapnel, and another shrapnel. 

More sarcasm?

This would represent more than 50% reduction to base bamage making the weapon useless. Gauss fitting would be better kinetic fit in every way if this happened. Better crits, better range etc etc.

Most fighter weapon have between 550 and 600 damage/s per turret. 

At the exception of gauss and thi lith which have respectively 350 and 210 damage/s per turret. 


And then there’s Thar Kth. Which have about 1k2 damage/s per turret. 



Even by reducing by half the base damages  it still have one of the highest dps of fighters weapons. 

Considering it has the ability to do both close range and long range weapon AND have a really good projectile speed, that’s still a good weapon. 


Also, yeah, gauss will have a slightly better snipe when both are full charged. But so what? 

Gauss can only snipe. It obviously should be better on that field then a gun that can do both. 

3 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

And then there’s Thar Kth. Which have about 1k2 damage/s per turret.

Even by reducing by half the base damages  it still have one of the highest dps of fighters weapons.

No it wouldnt, crit damage sing cannon. You cant take a single attribute like dam per turret and have that the reasoning. It does not take into account the charging of the weapon to reach its 3k… long range!? Or any other number of factors

I can guarantee blue balls would be the fit half thark users would have chosen if it didnt exist.

With sing cannon compromises have to be made, proj speed or crits, proj speed or dam, cooling or proper engine slot, supercooled or damage. Thark on tharga has none of these drawbacks its damage with damage and would you like some damage with a side of damage. A sing cannon will melt a frig or slow fighter much faster than the thark but will have plenty of trouble with faster ships and even if its fitted for faster balls then the dps suffers for it.

Im not saying the damage does not need toned down a little it really does but it is not the main reason for the extreme power of the weapon. Try fitting to a regular gunship and being all powerful with it, it lacks greatly in comparison and not just because s1 using it against you on a tharga.

The projectile speed and the tharga are the main concerns as anything can be hit with it and u’ll prob live through it. Unlike the sing cannon and other ships i dont have to make any compromise with that combo.


Back to this guys q tho, guards with high kinetic resist, slowing fields and signature masking are very usefull v them right now. As are tacklers and any single shot high damage weapons. They might seem invincible but they need to be fighting almost all the time as many are not running with an engy friend or proper repairs for themselves.