Thar'Ga Stance- Fresh Spawn PvP

Deleted, people are baby’s.

Wow, someone publicly insulting Milfeulle. Let’s be honest, he does nothing wrong. On the other hand, you, by insulting him like this, you’re wrong.

What is he supposed to do ? Stand still until you kill him ? Yes, the ship he is using is overpowered. So what ? Most peoples wouldn’t be able to do even half of this. And even you are OP ships ! (Hello Dart and Gargoyle) Your ships were so broken to the point where they changed rank.  ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)


You seems to forget that the squad Eugen+Milf is a duo of top tier players. Give them whatever you want, and they’ll still do a rampage. I’ll add that most peoples on this forum can show you score bigger then the one he made here, thar ga or not.

Max is a fairly good example. The kind of player that can spawn kill you in a hercules.


You’re free to hate the fact that you lost miserably. But feel free to keep your insults for yourself.


Oh and BTW, milf isn’t hard to kill at all. I killed him, more then once, and without necessarily using Thar ga either. 

TIP : He is using Sphere of swiftness. A single tackler with 4k range slowing beams and AB disable would force him to play extremely defensive (using both reboot and energy converter and teleportation sphere).

You can thanks me later.

You are seriously pathetic for personally attacking a player in this game, both in game and on this forum. Evidently you are so bad at this game that you have stooped to the level of calling out players who are leagues better than you in personal insults.

Please do all of us a favor and uninstall. Don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out, scrub.


EDIT: tagging [@Shotan](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/248677-shotan/) and [@OmegaFighter](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/243905-omegafighter/) in here so that they can lock this thread and swing the banhammer.

You think that will stop me? You dont understand, the Thar’Ga will kill this game, you are blind. NASA’s probally controlling the developers, if they think they can ban me for talking bad about a player on a video, not INGAME or on chat, then they are wrong, I was playing the game but did not say anything ingame against the TOS, I stated the truth and shared it, they cant do anything. 

16 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:

You are seriously pathetic for personally attacking a player in this game, both in game and on this forum. Evidently you are so bad at this game that you have stooped to the level of calling out players who are leagues better than you in personal insults.

Please do all of us a favor and uninstall. Don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out, scrub.


EDIT: tagging [@Shotan](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/248677-shotan/) and [@OmegaFighter](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/243905-omegafighter/) in here so that they can lock this thread and swing the banhammer.


37 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Wow, someone publicly insulting Milfeulle. Let’s be honest, he does nothing wrong. On the other hand, you, by insulting him like this, you’re wrong.

What is he supposed to do ? Stand still until you kill him ? Yes, the ship he is using is overpowered. So what ? Most peoples wouldn’t be able to do even half of this. And even you are OP ships ! (Hello Dart and Gargoyle) Your ships were so broken to the point where they changed rank.  ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)


You seems to forget that the squad Eugen+Milf is a duo of top tier players. Give them whatever you want, and they’ll still do a rampage. I’ll add that most peoples on this forum can show you score bigger then the one he made here, thar ga or not.

Max is a fairly good example. The kind of player that can spawn kill you in a hercules.


You’re free to hate the fact that you lost miserably. But feel free to keep your insults for yourself.


Oh and BTW, milf isn’t hard to kill at all. I killed him, more then once, and without necessarily using Thar ga either. 

TIP : He is using Sphere of swiftness. A single tackler with 4k range slowing beams and AB disable would force him to play extremely defensive (using both reboot and energy converter and teleportation sphere).

You can thanks me later.

Gargoyle is not OP, its one ship that has modules attuned to its class, so does the Dart. The Thar’Ga has modules from every ship in the game… thats what OP means. 

26 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:

You are seriously pathetic for personally attacking a player in this game, both in game and on this forum. Evidently you are so bad at this game that you have stooped to the level of calling out players who are leagues better than you in personal insults.

Please do all of us a favor and uninstall. Don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out, scrub.


EDIT: tagging [@Shotan](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/248677-shotan/) and [@OmegaFighter](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/243905-omegafighter/) in here so that they can lock this thread and swing the banhammer.

And your pathetic for dissing another player, you have no idea of my experience in this game, you think I am a Ace? Are you kidding me? I have 7 accounts, I know a lot about this game, what is on that video is NOT PvP, Milffule  is not BETTER than anyone! He is pathetic, if you think spawn killing is cool and your a god for it, your a child Mecromancer, that is not how PvP is supposed to be played. You’re blind. 

31 minutes ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

NASA’s probally controlling the developers

It’s true, we are actually the ones who control SC. All the scrubs bow to our will, even Targem and Gaijin.

22 minutes ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

I have 7 accounts, I know a lot about this game


Holy xxxx this guy thinks he’s the most knowledgeable because he has a whopping SEVEN accounts! Guys, we have a badass here!

Also, you’re*

Pick up a grammar textbook, it may help you formulate you’re your insults a little more effectively.

26 minutes ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

if you think spawn killing is cool and your a god for it, your a child Mecromancer, that is not how PvP is supposed to be played. You’re blind. 

Please directly quote me on where I said that spawnkilling is cool. I would love to see where I said this.

What I AM saying is that you’re obviously not good enough of a player (Even with your SEVEN 1337hax0r accounts) that you are getting spawncamped by Milf and co. and thusly deserved to lose that game. Git gud.


Battle analysis of pilots with Ellydium ships in their fleets showed the need to change the parameters of Thar’ga, as well as weapons and modules created with Alien technology:

Weakened nodes responsible for hull and shields bonuses at 11 and 13 ranks, from 600 to 500 pts.
Weakened nodes responsible for max speed, strafe speed and rotation speed:
    5 rank - 15%
    13 rank - 25%
    15 rank - 10%
Module 'Alien Intuition’
    Active time reduced by 2 sec.
    Recharge time reduced by 4 sec.
    Slightly reduced charge growing size

OMG, they destroyed thar ga ! Instead of going at 700m/s with a single module I’ll go at 670 ! And they even reduced the hull/shield of some really specific build by 100. I’ll have only 9900 hull/shield strength now.

Such nerf much wow.



Theoretically speaking, they even buffed alien intuition.

19 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

OMG, they destroyed thar ga ! Instead of going at 700m/s with a single module I’ll go at 670 ! And they even reduced the hull/shield of some really specific build by 100. I’ll have only 9900 hull/shield strength now.

Such nerf much wow.



Theoretically speaking, they even buffed alien intuition.

One of these days the game will become balanced again  ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”)

I know all about being pwned by the peeps with maxed out tharga’s who know what to make them OP. Milf is not the only player with an OP ship who knows how to use it. Those people have time and or money that most of us don’t have.

Ways to go about this issue.

  1. Have no life and play Star Conflict 16 hours a day, and spend money on license, and all DLC and you might be able to get the ship when its released and maxed out

  2. Straight up buy all you need to make it an insta op ship until its nerfed. ($200 or more)

  3. Or Skip Tharga. Save all your mats for the next one, and if you dont have enough, then save till the next one.  

Its better to go all in and maxed when its new or dont bother. Cuz the nerfs are always coming next patch. 

Btw you’re allowed to have 2 accounts. Just an fyi.

2 active accounts … not counting accounts in the past, I would guess - not?

6 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Btw you’re allowed to have 2 accounts. Just an fyi.

I have never had this problem, I have not been stopped, the are welcome to try. 

It’s somewhere in the never-read EULA.

first post made by Bass made sense… now hes just full of salt. im in NASA and all and I can confirm I have direct connection to the devs and can make them bow down to me… yeaaaright

but blaming milfeulle and hating on him is just stupid. blame the game, not the player. all is milf doing is feeding the devs data on how overpowered this ship is. hes also having fun. but hey. just avoid pvp in the meantime. or join in the pvp to help give them data. instead of just whining now. I liked the first post, was constructive, suggested stuff, called out the tharga being a money engine stopping devs from actually nerfing the thing. but hey. now you’re calling out for the banhammer.

On 2/14/2017 at 1:11 PM, ORCA1911 said:

Btw you’re allowed to have 2 accounts. Just an fyi.


7.7. Playing SC Leagues from alternative accounts (twinks or someone else accounts), if a player is already participating in SC Leagues.

8.3. In case of violation of paragraph 7.7. Administration has right to impose the permanent blocking on all alternative accounts (twinks) and suspend main account for up to 10 days (main account is considered to be the account with store purchases, in case of an absence of any store purchases, main account is selected by the longest in-game time). In case of a repeated violation Administration can impose a permanent blocking of all the convicted accounts, main and alternatives.

10.2. Any actions the player takes that are aimed at circumventing penalties previously applied to the user, including creating additional user accounts, may result in a ban on all the player’s user accounts, up to and including a permanent ban.


These are all the rules related to multi acc, so there is no limit in number, you will only loose all if you make a mistake

On 2/14/2017 at 2:33 PM, ORCA1911 said:

It’s somewhere in the never-read EULA.

I am sure it is. All mine plus one of my friends I used is banned. Sadly he no longer plays cuz he dont want to grind all over again. 2 of my alt accounts had a little gold used on them, so apparently money dont mean much ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”) 

Try it again with 10k$+ accounts and see what happens ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)