TharGa Special Modul Task Progress has been reset

Those 3 Tasks which are required to unlock TharGa Special Moduls lost their progress after recent Update.

I was grinding towards Matter Absorber special modul, thus i am certain that its 3 tasks were set back to 0. But it probably happened to all Special Modul Tasks…

Is there any chance to get my old and lost progress added up to my current one?

Same here, for everything but the first special mod.

2 hours ago, Kainzi said:

Those 3 Tasks which are required to unlock TharGa Special Moduls lost their progress after recent Update.

I was grinding towards Matter Absorber special modul, thus i am certain that its 3 tasks were set back to 0. But it probably happened to all Special Modul Tasks…

Is there any chance to get my old and lost progress added up to my current one?

2 hours ago, Kainzi said:

Mission Bug, can not complete “Alien Tech: Challanges”

I can not proceed Alien Tech Challanges Missions, because it tells me to kill with Thar’Kth cannon. Its blueprint is located at Thar Ga Rank 11 ship tree.

Since the Developers changed the Thar Ga ship tree, …

first i can not activate Rank 11 (it requires more points now!)

Second even if i can activate Thar Ga rank 11, i will not have enough resources to unlock blueprint, buy it and build this weapon.

I am therefor not able to finish this mission.

Please fix this and send me a compensation of xenocrystals.


Provide logs.

Logs can be found in logs folder, under User/My Documents/My Games/Star Conflict/Logs.

If you know when this happened, select the proper log folder, zip it and upload it here.

Support most likely won’t compensate you anything. They will ask for logs, even when they have data on their side.