Thar'Ga is Kaput?


Give the Thar’Ga more DPS they said. What could go wrong they said. No mercy I said.

What spread? I see none? Hits interceptors like I proved in the PTS thread, which was deleted? Yup, it does that too… what spread again? Oh right, 1 degree with the right mods.

I could do the math again here to prove it will hit interceptors 100% of the time at 1-1.5km. But why? It’s grade 5 stuff…


The spread is on Thar Kth. Not Thar Ga tok

Thar Ga tok damages aren’t that high since the need. It’s mostly the projectile speed that makes the weapon powerful. 


Thar Ga are still powerful. But far from being impossible to kill. 

I can do better than this in a Prometheus X with Assault Railguns, omgnerfprometheusxandassaultrailgunsnow!!!1

Oh true, it is a Thar’Ga’Tok.

However, 1500-1900 damage per hit on hull, without using gunship mods?

That’s 2250-3000 damage per shot before 33% resists…

How do you even obtain 3000 damage from 250 x 4 guns = 1000?

+200% damage? From what? Thar’Ga mods? Impossibro…

Someone also said you can’t use combat reboot on Thar’Ga, so either this is an old video, or else…

Nobody asked you to compare apples to oranges, Kosty. Just because you are the best player alive, doesn’t make it a fair comparison.

This is an old video. 

That explains why nobody uses Thar’Ga’Tok any more then? But wait, didn’t it only get a 5% nerf or something? Math doesn’t add up.

In fact, it would have had to been nerfed by 50-66%, which doesn’t sound accurate, in order for these damage figures to add up…

Or Thar’Ga mods are just that OP…

[@betatrash](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/242554-betatrash/)

Ever tried researching the subject before discussing it?

I am researching the subject, care to elaborate?

1500-1900. 1500 when 1 projectile did not connect.

3000 * 0.66 (33% EM hull res minimum) = 2000 damage per shot after resists.

so how do you get from 1000 damage per hit to 3000 using only Thar’Ga and not gunship mods?

Even if it got a 16% nerf or what not, nothing adds up.

Alien intuition obviously, but in conjunction with other Thar’Ga mods, and passives, you’re telling me you can squeeze +200% damage per shot?

I can maybe see a way to achieve +50-75% at best. maybe +90% from R13-2, but not sure if applicable. List all the mods in that case, if you have the figures.

If for nothing else but to prove how ‘kaput’ Thar’Ga is, due to being able to stack +100-200% damage…

5 minutes ago, betatrash said:

I am researching the subject, care to elaborate?

1500-1900. 1500 when 1 projectile did not connect.

3000 * 0.66 (33% EM hull res minimum) = 2000.

so how do you get from 1000 damage per hit to 3000 using only Thar’Ga and not gunship mods?

Even if it got a 16% nerf or what not, nothing adds up.

Alien intuition obviously, but in conjunction with other Thar’Ga mods, and passives, you’re telling me you can squeeze +200% damage per shot?

I can maybe see a way to achieve +50-75% at best. maybe +90% from R13-2, but not sure if applicable. List all the mods in that case, if you have the figures.

I learned 2 years ago to just ignore w/e numbers you throw at the forum, and I have yet to see any signs to do otherwise

Well, since you’re incompetent, niripas just told me alien intuition used to grant +80% crit chance. So that explains why every shot was doing that amount of damage.

In that case, the numbers do add up (somewhat), and alien intuition was obviously broken.

However, the fact that it can still stack 75%+ damage, above what other gunships can, makes it ‘kaput’.

I’ve learned to ignore you since you own all premiums, uniques, etc… I suppose that ends our discussion. Not to mention you’re a persistent troll.

Doesnt make your numbers any more valid ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Well, if grade 5 math isn’t valid, then maybe you skipped school.

He was captain, I did this on ships before Thar’Ga was even in the mind of a dev. Especially in T3 this is a very simple task. I mean seriously, are you being called op for clubbing baby seals?

Oh, was he? I wasn’t paying attention, in that case they should add up.

I still may do a Thar’Ga and Tai’Kin analysis similar to the Dart/Gargoyle ones I did just to prove how kaput they are.

It was about the DPS, not about the kills…

Just now, betatrash said:


I can tell you that one is kaput for sure, if the pilot sitting in it is not taking risks, you virtually can not kill it unless you use teamwork. Like squad coordination on teamspeak and proper roles, there is no other way.

5 minutes ago, betatrash said:

Oh, was he? I wasn’t paying attention, in that case they should add up.

I still may do a Thar’Ga and Tai’Kin analysis similar to the Dart/Gargoyle ones I did just to prove how kaput they are.

It was about the DPS, not about the kills…

That is the spirit!

Even though you are constantly pointed out to the fact that you either missing key information or/ and simply have no idea what you are talking about, since you have next to mo experience on the matter or simply clueless about the basics you still provide us with entertainment and facepalm material.

Keep it up!

I have no love for Ellydium ships, but I am a Collector, sort of… Okay, I used to be… but no longer!

All weapons in this game need PROPORTIONAL balancing.

That’s R5-6 ships out there, they are equally squishy.