Texts on map have some glitches

Hello as screenshots shows i’m experiencing graphic problems with texts on the map since the last patch.






The images explain everything, Dxdiag and logs in attached files. 

[2015.04.23 13.12.22.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9167)

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9168)

This is caused by scaling via “Interface size” settings, until it is fixed, you can try changing scale value + relog, to temporarily fix it for you.

This is caused by scaling via “Interface size” settings, until it is fixed, you can try changing scale value + relog, to temporarily fix it for you.


Well resetting the interface scale to minimum and reboot the game fix this ok, but i play on a 42 inch tv. I need that scaling up and once you restore it to the previous bigger value it’s glitched again. Since it’s only a little problem i can live with that, still a bug btw.

Well resetting the interface scale to minimum and reboot the game fix this ok, but i play on a 42 inch tv. I need that scaling up and once you restore it to the previous bigger value it’s glitched again. Since it’s only a little problem i can live with that, still a bug btw.

yes it is a bug and it is in the works

Mine does that too but for the most part functionality is not compromised :slight_smile:

After the today hot-fix the problem is gone. Tnx, i think we have done here.