Test server is offline, while it is still showing synchronizing message (text or status issue)


Bug report:

When Test Server status is set to offline, I was still able to synchronize my original profile to Test Server. Then 24 hrs cooldown begins.

Problem is that the message Synchronizing data with test server is still in the loop effect (it does not complete) When it would complete, it would show a green synchronized message.

Please, fix the issue with either text display issue here, or make the option to synchronize your profile to test server unavailable, which means that Synchronize button must be greyed-out, when it is offline.

When it is online, only then you can save your profile to such Test-Server. It must be successfully stored there (synchronized).

There aren’t any problems.

i’ll ask for details.

Bug with the Pulsar Module not work for me.

I’ve discussed your question with programmists. There is no bug. The process of copying files is divided to several steps. When you’re pushing the button, your data is copied but do not transferred to server.
As soon as the server will be up, data will transfer there.
So the process is indeed in process and not finished. But your data is really copied and saved for better times.

I’ve discussed your question with programmists. There is no bug. The process of copying files is divided to several steps. When you’re pushing the button, your data is copied but do not transferred to server.

As soon as the server will be up, data will transfer there.

So the process is indeed in process and not finished. But your data is really copied and saved for better times.

Thank you. I was just thinking that there was some glitch, which corrupted the copying of my profile, onto a test server.

When it will be online, I will make another synchronization attempt.

One more question. Why 24 hrs cooldown?

To avoid clicking. 

wuuuut how do i get on to da test server :D 

wuuuut how do i get on to da test server :D 


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/27466-information-about-public-test-server/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27476-public-test-server-opening/)