Tell me about the end game...

Admittedly, I’m still new. I still haven’t unlocked a couple of things in this game, but I’m curious to know what I should be looking forward to. I’m worried it will be very similar to what I’ve already experienced, just with bigger better ships.

Years ago, I got really wrapped up in a game called Air Rivals (also called flysis, Ace online, Space Cowboy) and the late game was AMAZING. There were strategic points to be either defended or captured, mothership wars, huge PVE battles, and more. I was hoping that Star Conflict would scratch that itch for me, but I don’t know if it will.

Tell me what I should be looking forward to.

You should be looking forwards to slowly watching your ships become obsolete as new superior ships are released every other patch…

But really, there is no real endgame. You find friends to play with and experiment with unorthodox ships ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

The game has a steep learning curve, once you get past that you need to figure out where you’re good at. The game is ruled by meta gameplay just like any other game most of the time, sometimes it can be something simple and most times its just the latest content released (not gonna lie xD).

When it comes to end-content, i personally will always recommend the rank 15 manufacture-able ships, no matter what happens in the game they always stay the same and the latest content always gets shaped appropriately. Many will disagree because this “cannon is weaker than this” or “they don’t have the mods to keep up” etc etc. The key is to develop something weird, out of the ordinary, something unique only to you that would, with some tactics in mind, grant you the upper hand. It’s all about muscle memory and practicing your favorite build.


Also keep in mind a few things, you can’t get every ship, today, right meow, plan your “ship farming”. If you’re prone to raging then this game is not for you, you will have equal streaks of wins and losses most of the time. Even if you are the best, the team can be the worst, even with good players, just happens.


If you have any questions feel free to ask here or pm me, i’m going to get a lot of hate for this anyway. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

Depents on how you define “endgame” but the endgame ships to have equipped in your 4 slots (for pvp, the only mode that actually matters) are wolfhound tai’kin ze’ta and waz’got

On 1/25/2020 at 6:08 PM, Jonagoldz said:

Depents on how you define “endgame” but the endgame ships to have equipped in your 4 slots (for pvp, the only mode that actually matters) are wolfhound tai’kin ze’ta and waz’got

Lion-MkII, Marten, Hammerhead, Karud, Thar’ga and few others are pretty useful in high-skill games.