Team Play

Throughout the past several months of playing this game, I have noticed that teamplay in this game is lacking.


It would seem that squadding up and working with other players is at the very least discouraged, if not punished. The matchmaking for squads is horrible, as 4-man squads rarely get games. I have had numerous instances where I was in a 4-man squad, and we were queueing while another 4-man squad was queueing for the same tier (we knew because we were communicating) and we never got a game. We gave up after waiting well over 20 minutes in the queue. 2-man and 3-man squads get games, but only against squads of the same size.


I present several options that could be possible solutions to fix this problem/encourage teamplay.


  1. Squads can get matched against anyone, whether there is a squad on the other team or not.

This may seem like a bad idea, as obviously, a team with a squad will most likely win over a team that doesn’t have one. However, this option would encourage teamplay the most, as players would quickly learn that playing in squads with other players is the best way to win, and not long after players figure this out, games will be filled with squads.


  1. Squads can get matched against all other squads.

To me, this seems like the best idea, as it won’t create a huge imbalance, but it would promote teamplay more. 4-man squads could find games, and 3-man and 2-man squads aren’t limited to fighting only 2-man or 3-man squads (respectively).


  1. Keep the (supposedly) current system.

With this method, squads would only be matched against squads of the same size. This would probably keep the games most balanced, but would make it very hard for squads to find games.


  1. Keep the older system.

This would allow 3-man and 4-man squads to get matched together, but leave 2-man to face other 2-man squads. This game created decent balance, and let 4-man squads find games, but the queue times for squads was still high.


Other suggestions are welcome.

Currently the system is already searching for bigger and smaller squads. If two squads are in queue and you do not get into a match, we need a proper bug report to find the cause.

I like the +1/-1 idea which you do not suggest but has been discussed before. I.e. 1-man vs 2-man, 2-man vs 3-man, 3-man vs 4-man. I think it is the fairest way to improve queue times for squads. Add to this 4-man vs 2-man + 2-man and problem solved!

Currently the system is already searching for bigger and smaller squads. If two squads are in queue and you do not get into a match, we need a proper bug report to find the cause.

A bug report? but this system changes every 3 days, how are we supposed to know if it’s a bug or intended?

Moreover, how are we supposed to know how many squads are in our queue?


We should just go back to the old method - no restrictions. If squads are pummeling you every game, you have three options: get better, tier down, or wait for them to get into game before you queue again.

Years of rewarding bad play, punishing coordination and treating all squads like ESB’s Elite have utterly ruined team play in this game. I remember when it was almost unheard of to see solo players in T3. Now, it’s unheard of to see squads.

Add to this 4-man vs 2-man + 2-man and problem solved!

This one is nice but I think the match making should work sequancially : if it does not find a suitable team it switch to any team then switch to anyone (ie no team).

I think a 2 man squad should not have to face another squad unless one is available.


Other than that I like the +1 / -1 Idea as well.

Ooh! I forgot about the +1/-1 option.


Added it to the poll

surprisedly enough we all got a big different opinion, i think what millanbel said’s is the best way to solve the matchmaking at is best in is current state.


“Squads get matched against squads of the same size (2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3, 4 vs. 4)” Belive it or not guys this is how the match-making current is, as you see many times before it is’t 100% accuracy doing to the miss of the same size are not in the queue at the time your squad is, plus less players online.

Currently the system is already searching for bigger and smaller squads. If two squads are in queue and you do not get into a match, we need a proper bug report to find the cause.

We need proper notifications about the MM servers side changes. I’m not a tester to check all the queues every day and report all the bugs.

I’d like to help but without any information, I simply can’t.

Aprox. 1-2 weeks ago, we get games as 4squad against 2squads. Now we don’t get games as 4 squad at all. (T3)

On weekdays we don’t get games as 3 squad in 10 min (and that time the queue is full with at least 2 squads). 

As 2 squad the waiting time between 1 - 5min but the games are crap because 2 man is not enough to compensate 8-10 aces in the most of the  game modes.

I like the 4 vs 2+2 option.

I wonder whether 4 squads will still struggle to find games with the +/-1 option as 3 squads could be matched with 2s rather than 4s.

I quite like the idea of 4 v 2+2, or even 4 vs 2+3 though.

Most of all though, I would love to see a small rewards bonus for squadding up - this incentivises more people to play as a squad, and more squads in the queue would make any of the matchmaker solutions better.

Most of all though, I would love to see a small rewards bonus for squadding up - this incentivises more people to play as a squad, and more squads in the queue would make any of the matchmaker solutions better.



How bout:

1-man squad (solo): 1.00x multiplier on all resources except trophies.

2-man: 1.1x resources

3-man: 1.15x resources

4-man: 1.20x resources

So premium player gets ~1.7x in full squad play, normal player gets 20% more than unsquadded, but players can get 10% more just for going into a squad with another. After, small increases cap at the 20% limit. For wings, maybe 2%-3% for each pilot.

How bout:

1-man squad (solo): 1.00x multiplier on all resources except trophies.

2-man: 1.1x resources

3-man: 1.15x resources

4-man: 1.20x resources

So premium player gets ~1.7x in full squad play, normal player gets 20% more than unsquadded, but players can get 10% more just for going into a squad with another. After, small increases cap at the 20% limit. For wings, maybe 2%-3% for each pilot.

If no one squads up, then a benefit like that probably won’t do much.

Well, that has to be true for it to be implemented, from what I’ve seen from the devs. They try not to break the game. And, well, something with lower numbers seems to get attention faster lol

Numbers much higher than that would be too much, IMHO.

What Ebgle proposes sounds right, but I think it would be best backed up with something similar to how they plug premium license - with a squad you would have recieved x credits displayed at the end of a match.

How bout:

1-man squad (solo): 1.00x multiplier on all resources except trophies.

2-man: 1.1x resources

3-man: 1.15x resources

4-man: 1.20x resources

So premium player gets ~1.7x in full squad play, normal player gets 20% more than unsquadded, but players can get 10% more just for going into a squad with another. After, small increases cap at the 20% limit. For wings, maybe 2%-3% for each pilot.

I would personally go with +5% for 2-man, +15% for 3-man, and +25% for 4-man. This slight tweak helps push people toward bigger and better squads.


Alternatively, +5/+10/+15, with an additional +0 for 1 corpmate, +5 for 2 corpmates, and +10 for 3 corpmates. This would then seriously encourage and reward corp play.

Eh, I see your point, and while it might be good for match making, I just wonder if corps would abuse this and make it harder for other Ace 4-mans to win, and actually get the bonus.  I think, if the incentive is there to simply squad up, with added benefits for each person, then that would be best to avoid abuse.  But, yeah, I’m not saying corps WOULD do this, but we’ve seen things like it happen before; a small (sometimes big) tweak leads to spam and obvious abuse of mechanics.

Eh, I see your point, and while it might be good for match making, I just wonder if corps would abuse this and make it harder for other Ace 4-mans to win, and actually get the bonus. I think, if the incentive is there to simply squad up, with added benefits for each person, then that would be best to avoid abuse. But, yeah, I’m not saying corps WOULD do this, but we’ve seen things like it happen before; a small (sometimes big) tweak leads to spam and obvious abuse of mechanics.

I think the reward should be given for just squadding up and launching, not necessarily winning.

There will be a problem with the +1/-1 matchmaking system most people voted for though. Indeed not only will the smaller squad be at a disadvantage, but they will also receive less reward for their effort. So maybe try this:

2 v 2

5% v 5%

2 v 3

10% v 10%

3 v 3

10% v 10%

3 v 4

15% v 15%

2+2 v 4

10% + 10% v 15%

4 v 4

15% v 15%

So basically if you are fighting superior forces your squad bonus is upgraded to the next level.

I like JasanQuinn’s suggestion about an additional bonus for members of the same corp squadding up.