
This is a suggestion to the balance of one ship. feel free to remove and/or move it after considering this.

The Talon in T2. (ECM)

Its lack of energy is a problem. and it takes it off the list of viable ECM ships. now there is only one, (in T2) the Stiletto, that is viable.

The Empire recons (MK.5/6) are all 3 viable, and the Federation has decently viable ones as well, 3 of em.

currently if the time ever comes that the factions will have to be separated (you may only use the ships of the current faction you’re in)

it will be somewhat unbalanced. ECM is what helps Jericho the most in the absence of heal frigates.

To make the Talon at least somewhat viable, I’d like to suggest that it gain the Capacitor slot. the slot it would lose to gain that slot, would have to be either 1. one shield slot,  2. the cpu slot, or 3 the engine slot. 

If it gained the capacitor and lost the cpu, it would essentially be the stiletto to a certain degree, and it would be in a much better situation than it is now (this is also perfect). if it lost the shield slot, it would be a little weaker, sure, but it would still help.

if you take down the engine slot, it would still be much better than it is now. (it would go at a decent 445 if you use the booster module)

Please consider this, thank you. 

A lot of ships got bad ship slot layouts(T3 fed CO without a EB). And I’m not sure if it will get fixed.

True, but this is the only ship I’ve experienced being unplayable as a premium ship.

True, but this is the only ship I’ve experienced being unplayable as a premium ship.


All premium ships are unplayable to due to the Synergy grind

I can’t vouch for that. the two premium interceptors in both the empire and federation are entirely playable. (T2)

The increased income and the +20% free synergy is more meant for the credits than anything else, but it’s also enough that if you just use the premium, you’ll have enough synergy to keep leveling a certain class, while, at the same time, getting more credits towards the purchase of the next ship.

Bought a bunch of Premiums before 0.9. Fully regret it.

I can’t vouch for that. the two premium interceptors in both the empire and federation are entirely playable. (T2)

The increased income and the +20% free synergy is more meant for the credits than anything else, but it’s also enough that if you just use the premium, you’ll have enough synergy to keep leveling a certain class, while, at the same time, getting more credits towards the purchase of the next ship.

Sorry but thats incorrect - Premium ships are useless at the moment

Most of T2 and half of T3 is useless at the moment, including all Jericho interceptors except R15, because the way they screwed up the capacitor module slots. Every ship should have at least one and at least 2 from T3 onwards. If it doesn’t have that, it’s trash.


Now I just remembered why I stopped flying interceptors. Lack of energy for afterburn / or EB slot.

 I fly 4 Premium ships in T3 as my regular lineup, soemtimes when i am taking it serious i swap 1 of them out for a WolfM and ,sometimes, depending on what i want to do, BlackSwarm.

I fly Deimos, Spirit, Alligator mk3 and 4th slot is either Desert Eagle or Bear

i have a license and i get tons of moneys and very considerable free synergy amounts, currently I own every r9 ship in Empire/Feds trees and some from Jericho.

I love these 5 prem ships, they are very fun to fly, even spirit while has 60/64 energy is very-very good, even with no capacitor slot. None of these ships are underpowered, if build and played to its best, man they can wreck a havoc, just have to get use to it. Oh right, I fly a Sai here and there.

 Yes, before i got all my ships in R9 i was flying 1/3 or 2/2 (free to prem ships layout) The biggest bottle neck in this game is Credits, not Synergy, and there is no point in rushing the game through the ranks to t5, just by flying T3 prem ships with free synergy i was able to level some of my T4 ships that i have NOT flown ONCE, they are damn naked in a hangar and i able to by next ship already, problem is Credits, you need TONS and TONS of them, and prem ships, especially DLC ships, with they huge reward bonuses in t3 help with that, so i dont have to farm PvE , i get credits for doing what I like - PvP and i get an extra synergy on top. 

Granted i am not going to by T4 prem ships, just because T5 is that close and I see no reason in T4 what so ever. 

Don’t get me wrong, i absolutely agree that price for a surpass synergy is to dam expensive, if it wouldn’t for that i probably already spent lots of gold for transferring it.