Tai'Kin- Jump Crystal / Special module %20 cdr

1. Description of the problem, what happened.

    Tai’kin’s 3rd special module which Jump Crystal doesn’t effected as expected with [Additional Bonus (Offence): Special Module %20 cooldown reduction] node.



2. What did you expected to happen.

    Module cooldown time is 0.1 sec but charge prepartion time is 20 seconds. The node lowers cooldown of 0.1 second one which makes no sense. It sould reduce charge prepartion time on this special module.



  1. The conditions during the situation.

   Having Jump Crystal and Rank 13 Special module cdr node at the same time



4. Further details on the issue.

    On screenshots you can see changed values of special module



5. Frequency of occurrence.

    Uh? Until FIXED maybe?



6. Logs + [screenshots](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18799-how-to-takepost-screenshots/) 




Doesn’t seem to be a bug. The node does exactly what the description says.

The charge preparation isn’t the module’s cooldown, hence it doesn’t get reduced. ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

but reducing cooldown 0.02 sec makes node useless ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

It’s node for standard modules. By the way some implants doesn’t affect F.u’Kin modules.


edit: No sorry I am bad in english and I don’t understanded.

10 hours ago, WiseAlert said:

but reducing cooldown 0.02 sec makes node useless ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Don’t use it then.


Cooldown is for the other specials.

bruh how stupid can you guys be, for every jump you make the jump reloads with a 20 second cooldown, now take those seconds and remove 20%, do i need to do the math for you aswell?

10 hours ago, DeathWasp said:

bruh how stupid can you guys be, for every jump you make the jump reloads with a 20 second cooldown, now take those seconds and remove 20%, do i need to do the math for you aswell?

Charge preparation and cooldown are two separate things for this module.

Not a bug: in this case ‘Recharge’ is time between separate jumps in jump series.