Don’t need a lot of skills to play Tai’kin with high ping, I can fly into 3 dessies formation and not die at all unless I don’t have emergency stasis system installed or do something extremely stupid like warp into a black hole or tempest launching destroyer. I can record a session with 150+ ping during next SCL, have not lost a SCL battle to date but then most opponents are just there for the monos…
Solution - equip x3 displacement sphere and avoid everything.
4 minutes ago, AKmatiAK said:
Solution - equip x3 displacement sphere and avoid everything.
Guess that’s supposed to be some kind of insult. LOL Bruh, do you even own Tai’Kin?
2 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:
Guess that’s supposed to be some kind of insult. LOL Bruh, do you even own Tai’Kin?
Not insult, half joke and half hint. I have F.u’Kin r15.
On 7/23/2017 at 0:00 PM, xXConflictionXx said:
Its not a buff though. No other ship in the game is as fragile as Tai’Kin and requires you to have high fps and low ping to even be able to use. I get that its a touchy subject but this is just bs.
So you propose a buff into a singular ship for an issue that affects all ships (one way or another)?
5 minutes ago, Papitas said:
So you propose a buff into a singular ship for an issue that affects all ships (one way or another)?
At this point I am proposing nothing. The devs will either do it or don’t.
Seems more logical if a solution to ping would come up (like removing wobble or delayed shots)…but that aint gonna happen. About FPS: if your game is still running with low FPS at min graphics, then you should really get a better pc 
10 minutes ago, Papitas said:
Seems more logical if a solution to ping would come up (like removing wobble or delayed shots)…but that aint gonna happen. About FPS: if your game is still running with low FPS at min graphics, then you should really get a better pc 
LOL its not. Simple, I only asked for less damage on collision. Either the devs will do it or they won’t. This thread is outdated now anway.  o/
Buff durability, BUT nerf the maneuverability. Would be fine for me. Having 180 roll 200 strafe and 600 speed at the same time is ridiculous.
MEH, these kids are probably all right. I just need to git gud with it. ahahah
1 hour ago, Rob40468 said:
Buff durability, BUT nerf the maneuverability. Would be fine for me. Having 180 roll 200 strafe and 600 speed at the same time is ridiculous.
You can (and should) have that on a Spectre Falcon/Gray Falcon/Peregrine no problem
Its not the top speed, its the acceleration that allows you to quickly change directions.
38 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:
Its not the top speed, its the acceleration that allows you to quickly change directions.
Next patch you can’t install more than one strafe spheres, so here is the cap on strafe acceleration.
Taikin balancing is really simple but for some reason takes ages.
17 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:
Taikin balancing is really simple but for some reason takes ages.
The whole, I hope I get the fukn part I need, thing is bullshit.
Synthesis’ Sphere acceleration is not that much of a problem, what about the Antifriction Sphere?
there is an implant which makes collision damage switch to shields (R9 Jerri) - it became even more nice with the new mechanic anyway, as it also helps you against shield ignoring damage
and the emergency stasis implant hull module might not be worth its price, but if collisions are really such a problem, you could bite the bitter pill and try it…
i mean its not like it’s a good module, it is indeed almost quite ridiculous and horrible, and having to manufacture it is kind of a rip-off, so the only balance i see needed, is making that module available for credits instead.
i for one feel the collision aswell with the tharga, but its kind of fair given how strong that cookie gutter ship still is.
4 hours ago, g4borg said:
there is an implant which makes collision damage switch to shields (R9 Jerri) - it became even more nice with the new mechanic anyway, as it also helps you against shield ignoring damage
and the emergency stasis implant hull module might not be worth its price, but if collisions are really such a problem, you could bite the bitter pill and try it…
i mean its not like it’s a good module, it is indeed almost quite ridiculous and horrible, and having to manufacture it is kind of a rip-off, so the only balance i see needed, is making that module available for credits instead.
i for one feel the collision aswell with the tharga, but its kind of fair given how strong that cookie gutter ship still is.
I also use the module that makes you invisible the whole time unless you shoot or use modules. It drains your shields entirely so I cant redirect it to something that rarely exist. The shield slots I have set speed mods since I never have shields.
I have already bought the node before the BP for this ridiculous module and am short mono still but have plans on getting it.
Thing is, these ships are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more fragile than any other ship. I was using Spectre Falcon yesterday and its fast, maneuverable and can take a beating. I can bump into stuff and doesn’t even fade it.
Its a new meta and it has advantages other ships don’t I just think that they should find a better way to balance it. People are buying that its balanced because its fragile?