Tai’Kin is a ship that you need high FPS and low PING. If you don’t then you are wasting you time using Tai’Kin especially due to bumping into stuff will kill you.
Do beacon cap mode with 12 players circling the beacon and watch how many Tai’Kin die because of bumping into eachother or the beacon itself.
Yes, I know there is a module that you can spend 30 mono on but it is ridiculous and a waste of 30 mono.
Fix this please as not everyone lives in Russia and has 15 PING.
There are ways to handle the collision damage but someone will rage about it here ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)
Wait, buffing Tai’Kin? *waves of salt rumble in the distance*
2 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:
Wait, buffing Tai’Kin? *waves of salt rumble in the distance*
Its not a buff though. No other ship in the game is as fragile as Tai’Kin and requires you to have high fps and low ping to even be able to use. I get that its a touchy subject but this is just bs.
26 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:
Fix this please as not everyone lives in Russia and has 15 PING.
I saw players in Russia with 6 or 12 ping.
Honestly dying because of bumping into stuff is lame.
There are really only 3 ways I get killed anymore, not necessarily in this order either:
- I was being stupid or wreckless
- bumping into stuff
- or because I get into match with ships that MY ship isn’t setup to take on
Reduce a bit this collision damage and delete crystal satellite.
3 minutes ago, Tillowaty said:
LOL that is great BUT if people are ok with Tai’Kin NOW because their thinking is, “well, as long as it dies because of crashing into things then its ok” then they need to re-evaluate some things.
Well, 30 monos seem to be a justified investment to eliminate your #2 cause of death xD
1 minute ago, Scar6 said:
Well, 30 monos seem to be a justified investment to eliminate your #2 cause of death xD
Unless I’m mistaken and am not reading it correctly if I take 1000 damage from collision then I’m a sitting duck for 4 seconds and 8 seconds for 2k damage. How is that a good thing? Not worth it to me and the only thing I can do now is deal with it and be more careful but with lag, pauses and spikes its not always avoidable.
[@xXConflictionXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/258345-conflictioin/) I have solution for you - Send this F.u’Kin to hell and play standard recon!!!
1 minute ago, AKmatiAK said:
[@xXConflictionXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/258345-conflictioin/) I have solution for you - Send this F.u’Kin to hell and play standard recon!!!
LOL nah, this ship is fun as hell man. Just need to fix few small things that shouldn’t give any advantage in combat. I suggest that for those of you complaining about it that you learn to use it also.
1 minute ago, xXConflictionXx said:
LOL nah, this ship is fun as hell man. Just need to fix few small things that shouldn’t give any advantage in combat. I suggest that for those of you complaining about it that you learn to use it also.
How to use F.u’Kin or Recon?
46 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:
Unless I’m mistaken and am not reading it correctly if I take 1000 damage from collision then I’m a sitting duck for 4 seconds and 8 seconds for 2k damage. How is that a good thing? Not worth it to me and the only thing I can do now is deal with it and be more careful but with lag, pauses and spikes its not always avoidable.
Its stun works exactly like an ECM stun. Just crash a few times at spawn then all stuns last only .1 second.
7 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:
Its stun works exactly like an ECM stun. Just crash a few times at spawn then all stuns last only .1 second.
Ah ok thx man. I guess knowing that I will buy it now. ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)
Be careful though it will reset all modules and destroy stuff you placed like a normal ecm stun.
19 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:
Its stun works exactly like an ECM stun. Just crash a few times at spawn then all stuns last only .1 second.
Sound like abusing of a broken mechanic.
1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:
LOL nah, this ship is fun as hell man. Just need to fix few small things that shouldn’t give any advantage in combat. I suggest that for those of you complaining about it that you learn to use it also.
Nope - nope - defny Nope!!