Tactical Lockdown [Control option]

Name: Tactical Lockdown

Type: Control Mode for Jericho ships

Tooltip: If the pilot is under heavy fire or experiencing connection issues, they can enable Tactical Lockdown mode on their ship. In this mode, the camera is moved to a nose-mounted IR camera, and the ship gains various effects. The ship gains 75pts of resistance to hull and shield. Weapons systems have a 33% higher critical hit ratio. Energy regeneration is increased by 20%. Rotation and maneuvering speeds are increased by 50%.




(Meant as a different way to fly Jericho ships, given that they are basically drones. Taking the camera to a nose-mounted position like on guided torpedoes would limit the user’s ability to quickly spin around and move the firing arc, but would be compensated by giving the ship various increases in stats. The increase in rotation etc is to allow the user to still use their full turn speed, as the limited camera angle generally reduces it greatly.

This would also be great for players on satellite/poor connection etc.)

There is an expert control mode, which has limiting angles, yet it in no way prevents people from turning and firing at targets in the same time, just watch MaX videos. So what this module does is tremendously boost once performance while forcing to use expert mode, which is in no way a limitation.

Are you serious?

57 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

There is an expert control mode, which has limiting angles, yet it in no way prevents people from turning and firing at targets in the same time, just watch MaX videos. So what this module does is tremendously boost once performance while forcing to use expert mode, which is in no way a limitation.

Are you serious?

Have you ever flown a guided torpedo?

I did, but it is limited by a turn rate x speed, and NOT by a camera, and this module fixes just that

Well let’s break it down then. 


-Causes the ship to switch to a nose mounted camera view whilst limiting it’s movement capabilities to that of a guided torpedo.

-Increases hull resistance, crit ratio, and energy regen [And shield regen].

I want to suggest a new modifier …

CPU modifier .

All ships All ranks .

Tool Tip: when ping is above 100 all ship targeting systems automatically go to auto fire and aim-bot , letting AI control take over your ship until the ping goes below 100 again.

I think this would solve any connection problems the server might have and would help everybody farm faster too ![:fighter:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fighter.gif “:fighter:”)

16 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

I want to suggest a new modifier …

CPU modifier .

All ships All ranks .

Tool Tip: when ping is above 100 all ship targeting systems automatically go to auto fire and aim-bot , letting AI control take over your ship until the ping goes below 100 again.

I think this would solve any connection problems the server might have and would help everybody farm faster too ![:fighter:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fighter.gif “:fighter:”)

I would not use this, my ping is always over 100, so i would have no fun


Maybe over 500 ping. I usually sit at 250

I thought all ships were remotely controlled so that the game could be pegi 12 approved…


That’s supposedly why there are no more tiny pilots in the cockpits.