T5 Frigball Solution

A small suggestion to help solve the problem: Make a ship called the Tai’Kin. It will be able to kill any frigate in 5 seconds.

That should remove the frigates, provided their players don’t log off and quit the game. Most benefit to game.

Of course, there will be unintended consequences… zero skill, 50k damage / 3 seconds… but who cares.

Fixing one ‘broken’ thing with another… kaput… why not fix balance? Balance? What’s that? Never heard of it…

Here, we just break things…

Welcome to Star Conflict 2017 edition.

Thar’Ga, Tai’Kin and purple player-built Frigball, new meta…

Thar’Gas abusing energy converter are off the scale, epidemic.

Don’t anti-missile guard module shoot down the death bubbles ?

If not, it should.

13 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Don’t anti-missile guard module shoot down the death bubbles ?

If not, it should.

I was wondering the same thing and tried it before I saw this question but don’t think it did; they are so close normally and so many that it wouldn’t really make much of a difference anyway but COULD buy you enough time to get the kill.

Well, guards and flares can shoot down Tai Al projectiles. It wouldn’t be surprising that it can for doom bubbles too. Considering they are guided missiles. 

1 hour ago, Swifter43021 said:

Well, guards and flares can shoot down Tai Al projectiles. It wouldn’t be surprising that it can for doom bubbles too. Considering they are guided missiles. 

I’m quite sure they are guided as scatter gun is guided, so not as missiles but as intelligent projectiles. I haven’t got any missiles warning from these big green bubbles.

23 minutes ago, John161 said:

I’m quite sure they are guided as scatter gun is guided, so not as missiles but as intelligent projectiles. I haven’t got any missiles warning from these big green bubbles.

They make missile warning tho


New meta : frigates with flares


LRF have lock disable, which is great to counter doom bubbles. 

Guards may have missile shield. 

Engi, flares? 

they dont make sound like Predator alien ships main weapon

well engineer ships can dodge that boobles

a lot of ppl stay still and waiting for their death 

those bubles cannot go faster than 200 m/s and i simply move towards objects to get rid of them because that boobles arent cruise missle and cannot dodge objects

That discussion is pointless… you drop them in front of / in the path of the frigate. There is literally no escape. 0.05 secs to impact. Even if it’s moving. Ask NASA all about it.

5 minutes ago, betatrash said:

Ask NASA all about it.


4 hours ago, betatrash said:

That discussion is pointless… you drop them in front of / in the path of the frigate. There is literally no escape. 0.05 secs to impact. Even if it’s moving. Ask NASA all about it.

Sure. So you’re going to stand still in front of a frigates, on a small inty ? Good luck to survive.

You have to circle around frigs. 

Nobody mentioned standing still… you can drop 4-5 of them in their path as you fly by… elementary…

Thing is, people found a way to circle around you shooting high damage homing/guided spheres so even if you move, they are everywhere so you cant miss them. Not many can do it at that level of perfection…yet so i presume in like a week or two we will see more people doing that and then buff update again and then 7 nerfs on taikin shield nodes and before the engi comes along it gets nerfed so its playable and killable by pros only. 

Instead of worrying about the taikin which is most inevitably going to kill you if the player focuses you, kill the other players instead. Its hilarious how many nabs follow the gud players like they are in a taikin or the nerfed tharga. There are more of them than the taikin for now and you can pick them off pretty fast and win the game.

It’s a wet, hairy sloth t u r d  …  Really!

Inb4 T5 Alien Frigball Solution topic soon… Alien guard with pulsar shoot through rock like mass inverter, Alien engie with heal stations as drones…