T4 Engineer : Empire or Federation ?

Engineers are targets to the enemy.  Survivability is more important than speed.  Naga has a module strength boost of 25%, and main weapon damage boost.  It’ll heal faster, and do more damage.  The reloading rate increase of 20% on the T-Rex would really only apply to barriers, warpgates, and charging stations.  The charging stations wouldn’t make it worth it to have less survivability and less damage.  R15 implants apply to all ships so that extra implant’s meaningless if you already have R15 somewhere else.  I’d say the Naga wins hands down.  It’s a little slower, but if it’s thick in the battle and supported it should be safer.  Your only problem would be getting back into the battle, but you could just load a warpgate instead of static barrier if that actually becomes an issue.


I’m gonna go with this one … although I intend on unlocking both engineers now that interceptor wobble looks like it’s going to be a permanent game feature.


plus the T5 Fed’s engi looks 7x better than the Imperial’s (OP posted before T5 was unveiled :P)

I’m gonna go with this one … although I intend on unlocking both engineers now that interceptor wobble looks like it’s going to be a permanent game feature.


plus the T5 Fed’s engi looks 7x better than the Imperial’s (OP posted before T5 was unveiled :P)

I don’t understand you people. I never got any interceptor wobble unless I had a bad connection.

[wobbles](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19797-o-inertia-issues/)

I don’t understand you people. I never got any interceptor wobble unless I had a bad connection.

Ory, it’s when your interceptor struggles to align and go straight after a more complicated (series of) turn(s). It happens all the time and you start bouncing in walls and stuff or just have a completely random flight path until it stabilizes. It does happen a lot in T3+, T2 doesn’t really have the issue.

So, this:


Like I said, high latency.

which I don’t understand why … why would latency or even packet loss affect client side animation?


say this was a regular third person shooter like mass effect. why would high ping times make the character walk around like he was drunk ?


one thing is for sure, the faster the ship the more it wobbles in SCon. My speed fit gunship wobbles just as bad. Anyways - good thing I have frigates to fall back on otherwise this game would be unplayable for me.

I’ve yet to see this in my T3 interceptors.  Do you have your ship control mode to basic or expert?  I use expert just because it’s better for flying interceptors to me.  I collide less with expert.


Using basic just xxxx with my brain.  I switched in T1, I’ve tried it a few times since, but I’d change it in the middle of a game.


Also, Kine, you said you were going to go with what I said, then said you were going to pick Fed.  I was trying to say the Empire looks superior.

going with empire but will unlock fed eventually since it’s too sexah to ignore.

Being “that guy” again (mostly to reward those bored players reading the forums)…  BOTH


I personally always find speed and hull strength to be difficult to prioritize for survivability purposes, probably because I’m an int pilot. So my plan for some time has been to go into both trees once I unlock my fourth hangar space (hopefully this week).


And, slightly off-topic, but not off-tangent, (figure out what that means for yourself…) I have three times happened to get the ‘insane’ variety of wobble. I’m flying an int, I collide with something (as far as I can remember), and it will repeatedly flip 180o, somewhere near the frequency of a strobe light. The camera doesn’t change at all and I completely lose control of my ship for 5-10 seconds.


And, sorry for the necro…

When you can maneuver a non fed frigate with interceptor skills, the non fed frigate can win.  Fed R5 implant is far better than Emp R5 when you know how to use it.


And, slightly off-topic, but not off-tangent, (figure out what that means for yourself…) I have three times happened to get the ‘insane’ variety of wobble. I’m flying an int, I collide with something (as far as I can remember), and it will repeatedly flip 180o, somewhere near the frequency of a strobe light. The camera doesn’t change at all and I completely lose control of my ship for 5-10 seconds.


Lag induced wobble or game mechanics induced wobble? I can understand and accept the first when it happens, but when the game decides to screw me up i’m like ‘fck this…’

Lag induced wobble or game mechanics induced wobble? I can understand and accept the first when it happens, but when the game decides to screw me up i’m like ‘fck this…’


Probably a combination of both. I lose my connection The game loses its connection with me and something like this happens. No wobble or anything like this was happening to me 2 months ago.

I play both Engineer ships, the one is more tanky(Empire) and the other one is more agile/faster(Federation)

I would say the Federation engi needs a bit more knowledge about how to move and how to position yourself, I won alot of straight up fights vs Empire engis in my Fed engi, so i wouldnt rly care alot for that “more” survivability


If you are a zombie player who just like to charge in and brawl to see how far it will get ya, go for the Empire you will survive like a second more :))