T3 Ship balance

:confused: not going to be discouraging you but fighters and interceptors carries team not frigates although i main frigates only LOL

All I fly is Fed Frigates and interceptors


The  Jericho guide missile becomes less and less a threat the higher you get I know me and a few other support frigs worth a dam use anti missile systems that will take out a missile every 8-12 second in an area around the frig, The green light firing on the map is the anti missile system and pretty much removes most missile threats.


As for the interceptors I highly suggest proximity mines you can do fun things with them Stasis then mine, drop one on a frgs head, drop one on someone that is on your tail.

oh another trick get as closes as you can using cover/flanking and then phase cloak and take off towards them by the time you are uncloak your on stop of them.

Well, thx, but a Jericho frig can clean a beacon with 1 missile without dieing, so totaly waste.

Nope, just switched to a frig too and doing fine. Eat my Pulsars :stuck_out_tongue:


Just hoping devs may address it.


When your E-Barrier activates, you are at 15% HP, you are literally flying dead, might as well get some points out of it.


And there is nothing for the developers to address, you just spent like what? 2 hours on it? You need days of practice to weild a ship properly, not just touch and go. A lot of us interceptor specs don’t have a problem killing frigates, though admittedly it is a pain, you need proper tactics, a properly configured ship and a good hand on the controls.


I died more often to flying into a roid than frigates. Lag causes my ship to teleport sometimes or overcorrect to commands. It really is a facepalm moment when you fly between 2 roids… then teleport back in front of one. Head first collision. Or a sudden backflip causing you to hit a roid… then bounce off another one and another. Triple caroom death.


Anyway, take it from us old inty users, frigate kills in an interceptor is possible, there is nothing to fix. In fact Intys are actually OPed in a 3-4 man squad, you simply have a hard time hitting them.