t3+ ECM

Hi,im curious to know if kinetic supercharger is any good, can someone post the stats and maybe a game play or two of t3+ ECM with kinetic supercharger?

It’s like a kinetic version of plasma gun. Fairly accurate, good range. Kris AE’s bonuses work nicely with it. 

With the new patch, plasma is far better, as imo they were equal before

With the new patch, plasma is far better, as imo they were equal before

Now both weapons will have same speed but still kinetic>plasma on hull.


For me now both are equal now. That’s good

Now both weapons will have same speed but still kinetic>plasma on hull.


For me now both are equal now. That’s good

The first gives you instant accuracy, and the second best projection over time. It is all about choices.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but kinetic supercharger deals explosive damage, right?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but kinetic supercharger deals explosive damage, right?

 Yes then ypou should put the cloud coil damage in the count of dps… to me coils r still better… remeber the crit ammo too :wink:

But i’ll try plasma again and let’s see which of them gives me more kills…Usually with plasma i got nearly all of my kills stolen lol


I’m talking about t5 ecm :wink:

 Yes then ypou should put the cloud coil damage in the count of dps… to me coils r still better… remeber the crit ammo too :wink:

But i’ll try plasma again and let’s see which of them gives me more kills…Usually with plasma i got nearly all of my kills stolen lol


I’m talking about t5 ecm :wink:


I have it a lot easier since I don’t really care that much about damage. If I did, I’d be playing a covops and not an ECM. Besides, Kris AE has a nice boost to kinetic weapons, so the choice is pretty clear for me.

Yes then ypou should put the cloud coil damage in the count of dps… to me coils r still better… remeber the crit ammo too :wink:

But i’ll try plasma again and let’s see which of them gives me more kills…Usually with plasma i got nearly all of my kills stolen lol


I’m talking about t5 ecm :wink:

Are you sure it is explosive type of dmg? It isnt the same as coil m , it has no proximity explosion, you have to hit the target like any other projectile weapon, and after connection it adds a cloud (i am almost certain isnt explosion type as well)

Are you sure it is explosive type of dmg? It isnt the same as coil m , it has no proximity explosion, you have to hit the target like any other projectile weapon, and after connection it adds a cloud (i am almost certain isnt explosion type as well)


think u r right kost…

Are you sure it is explosive type of dmg? It isnt the same as coil m , it has no proximity explosion, you have to hit the target like any other projectile weapon, and after connection it adds a cloud (i am almost certain isnt explosion type as well)

The initial impact is certainly explosion damage. It explodes into a cloud of nano-particles which cause further aoe kinetic damage. The latter damage is not explosive however. It’s the same as other cloud projectiles leaving clouds behind such as guided torps or nukes.

The initial impact is certainly explosion damage. It explodes into a cloud of nano-particles which cause further aoe kinetic damage. The latter damage is not explosive however. It’s the same as other cloud projectiles leaving clouds behind such as guided torps or nukes.

So is Eclipse an explosion dmg as well?

So is Eclipse an explosion dmg as well?


Yes, of course. If you check all those guns’ stats pages they mention the “explosion” radius. That’s the give-away for explosion damage. :slight_smile: