T3 crit damage module

Hey everyone, I’d like to make a suggestion that the target co-prosseser (I think it is called) is brought back into T3.  I personally have 1 of them, and it drastically improves any T3 ship that I am crit building (Bear, Deagle, Eagle-B, ect).  I know there other people that have more than just one, and I think it is a bit unfair to the newer players, or any player that is unable to craft them or even buy them. 


I’d like to make a suggestion that they are brought back into T3 so that every player can use them.  If this is not acceptable, please remove them from T3 all together so it is still balanced between players.  Don’t forget to take the poll!



Hey everyone, I’d like to make a suggestion that the target co-prosseser (I think it is called) is brought back into T3.  I personally have 1 of them, and it drastically improves any T3 ship that I am crit building (Bear, Deagle, Eagle-B, ect).  I know there other people that have more than just one, and I think it is a bit unfair to the newer players, or any player that is unable to craft them or even buy them. 


I’d like to make a suggestion that they are brought back into T3 so that every player can use them.  If this is not acceptable, please remove them from T3 all together so it is still balanced between players.  Don’t forget to take the poll!

I am one of these people!

I still have the “old” equipment.

3 Targetting Co-Processors on Desert Eagle with a right build!



Still, you had your chance, but there should be some event, which would give us such option back, at least temporarily or be craftable.

At least, it would be nice!

Definitely! I would really like TTC in t3, or at the very least that everyone else cannot use it (although I am would be a bit disapointed by this solution). I’m fully with you on this one.

I am one of these people!

I still have the “old” equipment.

3 Targetting Co-Processors on Desert Eagle with a right build!



Still, you had your chance, but there should be some event, which would give us such option back, at least temporarily or be craftable.

At least, it would be nice!

I just don’t think it should be temporary, it should be a permanent change.  What if the next yeahalex or takamina start playing and don’t even have the chance to have the item because of a rare occurrence (and they are in your corp).  It needs to be fair for the lower tiered players too, they can’t be neglected for the already skilled and well equipped veteran players.


I was too busy in T5 when they came out to really pay attention, I crafted mine by accident lol. Really wish I had made more. :fed015:

They should either be available for everyone or removed from T3 entirely. 

They should either be available for everyone or removed from T3 entirely.

This. Make the tier as fair as possible for those who do not possess these modules.

Honestly, the TTC missing in T3 makes a lot of crit builds weaker than they would be otherwise. I’m looking at my poor non-optimal positron snipers right now.


The TTC gives an edge to players who have them. I could care less about lightweight hull, but TTC needs to come back to T3.

wait so there are special modules that not everyone can get and this was not brought up a long time ago why? 

wait so there are special modules that not everyone can get and this was not brought up a long time ago why? 


Guess they just don’t make 'em like they used to…



Well, this game favours the old (beta) players, which obtained the equipment, before it was moved to a higher tier.

I find nothing wrong with that, since I expected that such equipment will get automatically removed.

However, I agree that it should still be available, since the old players have kept the equipment, so at least it should be moved to workshop or back again.

Funny thing is, that you could get all of those parts from selling your old and (correct) ships and you would get them installed by default, since there was some bug, which did not remove the old and restricted equipment!

All of it! However, it was removed in the update 1.1.7.

You still had it, you just didn’t know, how to get it.


Update 1.1.7:


General bug-fixes:

Fixed a bug with discontinued equipment installed on purchased ships.


Ironic, isn’t it?



However, if they want to, they can still do this.

I have nothing against it.

wait so there are special modules that not everyone can get and this was not brought up a long time ago why? 


Unfortunately yeah… It sucks I know.  As an example, having 3 of those on an eagle-B with its naturally high crit chance is really powerful compared to what regular players have.  Hopefully the devs will view this post and think about changing things.

Guess they just don’t make 'em like they used to…



why so slow?


Ramming speed!!

any official statement on this? i could really use some of those mods in my builds right now …

no to mention unfairness etc etc blah blah  :)

I totally agree.



Although TTC isn’t the only one. Capacitor Power Relay, Lightweight Hull, and Submatter Shield are also still here, but not available. Personally, I think only TTC should be brought back to T3, and the rest removed entirely and left to T4/5. It is quite unfair for some pilots to have these modules, which give quite a significant advantage on many builds, while other players cannot.

i been trying to get gauss builds to work. im looking at the piss poor 2k dmg charged shots do(when i hit) and wanna cry when i see some players hit 4k very often. i previously didnt know such modules exist and now understand what makes all that difference. it is indeed quite aggravating.

edie: why cant i find liquid metal injector anywhere in the tiers? another relic?

Make them available for everyone. I’ve spent vouchers and iridium (back in the day when iridium wasn’t that common) on those modules. What would be unfair if you remove them completely from that tier. Removing stuff from tiers is never a good option. the more ways to customize your ship build, the better.


If it was me I’d add Strafe Engine to T3 too.

This is what the new weapons will end up as :confused:  I personally didn’t get the t5 fighter and frigate weapons due to lack of time, and I KNOW I will regret it later and want them to be available to everyone. It’s a matter of balance. With t3 TTC, certain people have an advantage they shouldn’t have. I have no problem with exclusive skins, portraits and the like, but when it comes to weapons and modules, this is an absolute no-go in my opinion.


I also remember certain people having orange weapons before they were craftable, as a sort of elite weapon they won from tournaments, and being disgusted by it… I mean I know orange is not much different to purple, but they still had an advantage that it was never possible for me to catch up to.

If you are using guass cannon, you can still get decent shots if you have the right implant, and good critical chance from infra-red scanner. Also using target painter of tackler helps.