[T3 Cover Ops] Ricasso vs Kite

Kite and Ricasso is the same ship i didnt say that Hawk-Eye was, and i dont understand the sense with ‘‘Ricasso desn’t need rank 8 it is rank 8’’

And there stand that Kite needs rank 9 when Ricasso and Kite has the same roles and ALMOST the same hp and stuff?  :01414:


I suggest you look at the ship tree more attentively… Preferably before posting here, again…


I suggest you look at the ship tree more attentively… Preferably before posting here, again…


I already did that, by the way do you mean three?

a) If you move ricasso to rank 9 and keep Kite the same way it is now, it will clearly be unbalanced towards ricasso,

b) in its current state they are different, they are different enough to create a discussion about what ships is better in what situation/build/purpose

c) tree not three

So my question to experienced Interceptor Pilots is - which one do you think will work better? With 2000 less shields I basically have 33% less durability, but can fly around faster and maneuver better.

I am using rapid railguns with range upgrade so I usually fight at ~1.8- 2.2km except when using the new plasma module to burst down frigates.

Modules I am using : the damage boost, the targeting jammer, radar invisibility and the plasma triangle.



I did not try the Ricasso per se yet, but I have Kris and Kris-AE atm. very much in my standard T3 deck, and since I have them as Feds, I didnt bother for the Covert Ops. I have several Fed Cov Ops Ceptors (Kite, Eagle-B, etc…) and usually fly the Eagle-B as my covops in T3, so its my first choice.


I think, ECM works better with Jericho, given they are the “standard speed” (fed having speed boni and imperials being slow like hell), because Cov Ops is more to pick on single targets, and needs the speed to get out fast, because especially fed shields are gone fast.


Usually, Feds are better with Resistances, while Jericho can use the big numbers in their shields better for buffer-fits.


Jericho Ceptors main advantage is their small hull size and enormous shield tankability, which is already pretty nice from T2 (Stiletto is a really evil little xxxxxxx), and they are not too slow. You should try to keep above or around 550 (AB) if you want to counter other Ceptors, and possibly, the Fed Ceptors will still outrun you. It is also easier to fit lightweight hulls on a Jericho ship, or skip using a dampener and instead use shield extenders or similar.

The Kris-AE does that very nicely, while the Kris has an advantage in missile numbers, I expect the Ricasso has a similar speed to the AE.


Since using a Rapid Fire Railgun (RFR) on a Covert Ops gives you nice crits, I would rather try the Ricasso with that. Also, since you are slower, you have to rely more on mines, and V loops, instead of circleloops, like feds. (so attack more tangential). This also gives you a nice bonus for the RFR, which you usually should use like a shotgun at pass.

If you go for RFP, its also fine. RFP works way less effective on ECM ships.



Last few days I started playing my Ricasso from exclusive frigate killer to all around. I just weep when :


1st volley (thermal) <huge chance of critical> drops fighter’s shields, second volley (kinetic) drops its hull to ~20%. Then Plasma web, which I found stupid and dull before the big update and why I do not have Kite branch unlocked at all, then some random shots and he’s out.


Frigates still drop easy. 


Sadly, Due to unlocking rank 9 with 2 factions I unlocked MK3 on all my ricasso active modules, few passives, All my ECM special actives etc. etc. On top of that bought Wolf-M and The R9 Command Jericho fighter (forgot the name), so No money to compare the 2 (sorry).


I tried out the RFPlasma, which used to be my favorite weapon when I started the game, BUT :


It is slightly better against frigates.


It is worse against Fighters and Interceptors. Why ?

As soon as you start shooting either they start evasive maneuvers, so the predicting game starts and it takes longer to kill / more time for them to get to nearest engineer.


With RFRail you drop their entire shield and in some cases hull too. Then you can either wait for 2nd shot kill or use it as auto cannon. It has more bullet speed too, so it is easier.


And no, I am not Railgun junkie. I use Assault plasma on my ECM and lately experimenting with few Hail/Stabilized and Heavy weapons I got from drop. Sadly, no laser drop and I completely skipped those.


P.S. Now I have 7 mines and 2 nukes installer.  The joy of flying in squad and in the realistic combat when there is only 1 station and all enemies are there it is priceless to hit camo go there plant mine and nuke (providing there is no guard frigate to destroy the nuke) and hopefully fly away, making your team advance in 10s and hopefully you did not die and come back !

On top of that bought Wolf-M and The R9 Command Jericho fighter (forgot the name), so No money to compare the 2 (sorry).

There’s 3 of them, be specific… Katana-S, Strong and Dragonfly.

There’s 3 of them, be specific… Katana-S, Strong and Dragonfly.

It was meant as “I’ve spent the 12M I need to get to Kite”


Side question : do you think that the suicide module should be activated automatically upon death OR activated like a module that drains energy/s and if it was active you explode on death. If it did not or you had no energy - you do not.


In Short - to explode when killed, not intentionally with some drawback to balance it.



Because now suiciding intentionally in T3 means another 12-15K towards your repair cost. Unless you fly the only premium T3 CO Eagle-B which is upgraded Kite.

It was meant as “I’ve spent the 12M I need to get to Kite”


Side question : do you think that the suicide module should be activated automatically upon death OR activated like a module that drains energy/s and if it was active you explode on death. If it did not or you had no energy - you do not.


In Short - to explode when killed, not intentionally with some drawback to balance it.

I think it should be entirely removed from the game. This prevents a lot of situations such as a squad of CovOps just suiciding against the enemy Captain (as I’ve seen happen MANY times) and, in all seriousness, there’s no counter whatsoever against it, Minefields and Pulsars can’t counter them fast enough. It’s just suicide after suicide and, unless you’re in a Command Ship or Engineer or Guard, they will murder you. And if you’re in a Frigate, they’ll STILL murder you with Arcs.

Any thoughts on Heavy Rail guns on interceptor ?

For me it seems they work best on Fighter as the turning speed is faster than frigate and still 4 guns.

how would they work (instead of assault plasma I am using) on my ECM ? Using stop engine module will give me at least 2 clear shots.

Any thoughts on Heavy Rail guns on interceptor ?

For me it seems they work best on Fighter as the turning speed is faster than frigate and still 4 guns.

how would they work (instead of assault plasma I am using) on my ECM ? Using stop engine module will give me at least 2 clear shots.

Great vs Frigates, but the second another inty sees you fire heavy guns he will eat you alive in a dog fight. 

i use the normal plasma guns on my interceptor, is this bad y/n

i use the normal plasma guns on my interceptor, is this bad y/n


Shrapnel if it’s a CovOps.

Shrapnel if it’s the Kris-AE.

For everything else, there’s RFB.

Oryngton wtf? Assault plasma > all :smiley:

Oryngton wtf? Assault plasma > all :smiley:

Only if you’re a sissy and don’t know how to throw a punch.

Only if you’re a sissy and don’t know how to throw a punch.

I prefer to stay out of 1km range of my targets :wink: And inties tend to die quite a lot to it as well(Well, the combination of assault plasma+rockets that is)

Assault weapons on Ceptors… I still can’t grasp the concept, those weapons were just so bad… And I tried the Plasma Gun a few times, it’s just sub-par. It has its uses as a sniper weapon if you’re on a CovOps. It might work with a pair of Horizons.

Assault weapons on Ceptors… I still can’t grasp the concept, those weapons were just so bad… And I tried the Plasma Gun a few times, it’s just sub-par. It has its uses as a sniper weapon if you’re on a CovOps. It might work with a pair of Horizons.

It works just fine, trust me. A bit more DPS couldn’t hurt perhabs, but its a good weapon as is.

It has range(Up to 4km with nearly 0 spread) it does mediocre damage, and combined with rockets and my ECM I can take down everything including frigates :smiley:

Assault plasma is good for range and decent accuracy.  Compare that to other interceptor weapons, and it’s better as an all around weapon.

This topic is no longer relevant with the last patch changes. Someone please delete that and we may start the same one, but comparing those with the new module system.