T2 Armada mines

Just wanted to check on this. In game the special armada mines have a 200 sensor range for proximity, yet they only have a 100M blast radius…does that not add up like I thikn it doesnt add up or am I missing something?

you do realize that ship in this game fly faster than 200m/s right? so when the sensor picking up incoming ship, sec later it detonate and that ship already fly within range of explosion >_>

you do realize that ship in this game fly faster than 200m/s right? so when the sensor picking up incoming ship, sec later it detonate and that ship already fly within range of explosion >_>


Thats what I was checking. Wasnt sure if the mine blew before the ship got in range of the blast. I know it would travel through the explosion but that might not of been what would cause the damage. A race able to cloak ships, travel the stars, have drones able to track,target,repair etc and all the rest might be able to have mines able to blow faster then the ship can travel is all im saying.

why don’t try to place them around and see if some poor guy lose his soul to it?

why don’t try to place them around and see if some poor guy lose his soul to it?


No Im not asking for a buff or for tips really. I mostly use them when being chased or when im cloaked and dropping in on a frig or some such. My question was mostly to see if the range differences would lead to times where the mine is tripped but nothing is hurt since it wasnt flown into. Such as a interceptor being able to pass through before the mine went off or a ship on the side of it 200 meters out tripping it and not getting the blast.


To be blunt, I was hoping there was some text issue since that can make it pointless.

You can also drop them on frigs heads that don’t move :slight_smile:

You can also drop them on frigs heads that don’t move :slight_smile:


knock knock, who’s there?

If you looked at the minefield (not the single mine), you’ll also notice that it is not a single mine but a “cloud” of red dots. That cloud might be 100m wide aready so you actually get a trigger and a blast from the cloud periphery instead of the exact center of the field.