
I just loved the latest shirt from Gizmo, “Save the Styxes” and would love to see more!

I would buy a shirt that is like the Styxes one but with the Blood Tormentor’s silhouette on it. Quote: “Bloody Tormentors” XD

And if you have a shirt idea or know of one, post it here! I’d love to see them! (And maybe buy some…)

indeed. blood tormentor is epic ship. i love it :005j:  

indeed. blood tormentor is epic ship. i love it :005j:

Ikr! I have mine purpled out with Mk5 beams and 2 shield regens. I’m invincible! X3

Ikr! I have mine purpled out with Mk5 beams and 2 shield regens. I’m invincible! X3

i love purple. purple beams (COSMETCS?) would be so epic and pretty  :01111:

i love purple. purple beams (COSMETCS?) would be so epic and pretty :01111:


:smiley: Nice slippers! I’d buy them XD

(I would really like to know your in-game name btw…)

Damn… my eyes are bleeding now…

i love purple. purple beams (COSMETCS?) would be so epic and pretty :01111:


Captain Obvious would say that you’re female, is that true?

Captain Obvious would say that you’re female, is that true?

I really hope not. So much leg hair…

I really hope not. So much leg hair…

They are Mk4 :stuck_out_tongue:

I really hope not. So much leg hair…

Maybe women don’t shave their legs where Nekromant is from?

@Nekromant, i checked your picture on details…

You’re from germany! :o

Maybe women don’t shave their legs where Nekromant is from?

Ugh… If they don’t shave their legs I don’t want to think about…aw crap…

i love purple. purple beams (COSMETCS?) would be so epic and pretty  :01111:



Show me your feet.

Show me your feet.


Are you trying to determine if Nekro is a man, or are you just into that kind of thing?

Are you trying to determine if Nekro is a man, or are you just into that kind of thing?


I only like women feet. 

I just want to check if he is this fabulous guy



They both speak German and they both have questionable clothes.

Are you trying to determine if Nekro is a man, or are you just into that kind of thing?


He/she is trying to see if he/she is a hobbit.


BTW, in Germany they eat hobbits, see what I found in the supermarket  :O



He/she is trying to see if he/she is a hobbit.


Leave my mind!

BTW, in Germany they eat hobbits, see what I found in the supermarket  :O



How deliciously horrid. Pun fully intended.

Let’s hope we don’t get a pic of hobbit-feet any time soon. >.<

Let’s get back on topic. Send me your shirts. :3

I only like women feet. 

I just want to check if he is this fabulous guy



They both speak German and they both have questionable clothes.

Oh god, that’s not the only thing that’s questionable about this dude. Why did I even watch the video?


“A Blu-ray player, for porn…” “A thing for my xxxx, as well as a few beloved potatoes…” “POTATO POTATO POTATO” “Here is my fap station…” “The ever important xxxx…” “POTATO POTATO POTATO”