t-3 player looking for corporation

ERROR:404 Topic not found.



Find something better to do.

Run like crazy.

Find my new post.


How is it that this thread has 32 replies and my other one has 0?

JPHack, don’t you dare post in this thread!



Best way is to attach a screenshot of your stat page, saves time for everyone, since all potential corporations will go there.

But, BUT. Hes a fellow brony , he already has seniority over ALL other applicants! 


And that PIC, its the latest pic that’s canon! 

I know that [The Goof Brothers](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22741-the-goof-brothers-are-rising/) are looking for people to join. I would suggest putting a picture of your in-game profile on their thread.

Unfortanatly my account was lost so i may have to create a new profile.

more on this story later.

Unfortanatly my account was lost so i may have to create a new profile.

more on this story later.

Do you know what your previous accounts email was associated with?

But, BUT. Hes a fellow brony , he already has seniority over ALL other applicants! 


And that PIC, its the latest pic that’s canon! 

Wait, what? canon pic?? And Fluttershy has lost her wings?? MADNESS!!!


I still preferred Twilight to remain as a unicorn instead of being transmuted into a pegacorn (or whatever they called that)

Hey this xxxx just got real…Fluttershy with no wings, I’m outa here :slight_smile:

Oh, bye the way Skystrike Dogs of War is on the look out for pilots - have a look if you are interested buddy, we have a couple of slots left.

Teh reason why she has no wings in this picture and why pinkie pie has it is obvious. Lauren Faust originally had planned for Fluttershy to be an earth pony while Pinkie Pie to be a pegasus. 

Teh reason why she has no wings in this picture and why pinkie pie has it is obvious. Lauren Faust originally had planned for Fluttershy to be an earth pony while Pinkie Pie to be a pegasus. 


Obviously - thanks for clearing that up (wipes worried sweat from brow) :)wt



Upon further evaulation, why the hell does Rarity have wings!? She had them in only ONE episode. 

Upon further evaulation, why the hell does Rarity have wings!? She had them in only ONE episode. 

But they were GLORIOUS butterfly wings! 


So far that op pic is wrong in sooo many things I’m not even discussing it.

But they were GLORIOUS butterfly wings! 


So far that op pic is wrong in sooo many things I’m not even discussing it.



Wtf Eviscerador is a brony? I’m done with you!

Wtf Eviscerador is a brony? I’m done with you!


Guess who is gonna stop buy the WPK Ts to have a little chat about ponies? Me. 

Guess who is gonna stop buy the WPK Ts to have a little chat about ponies? Me. 


Guess who gonna be kicked? You.

Guess who gonna be kicked? You.


Oh well see who kicks who. I demand a skirmish! 1 v 1! 

i cant stop laughing at my own topic…THIS IS HALARIOUS!

Wtf Eviscerador is a brony? I’m done with you!

And a proud one I must admit. I have watched all the 3 first seasons, and I’m now watching the fourth.


Rarity best pony, although Fluttershy is SO CUUUUUTE!


I think is the best cartoon stuff since Johnny bravo and the powerpuff girls.