System Hack

What does it even do? Engineer combat drones and beacon drones still attack me.

Then you were out of range…

within 800m of object

still not working


For me it works every time. You are either doing something wrong, or are hacking too many targets at once (remember you can also hack tai’kin crystal destab cloud and stuff like that and the whole could consits of 16 enteties or even more).


Or, which i don’t think a bug has been ocurring since the latest patch.

Seems to be bugging out lately for me too. And it acts REALLY weird with Woz battle stations.

System hack has target limit of 4 and sometimes is wonky against some objects. Practice on tackler drones.

Are engineering and beacon drones even supposed to be hackable?

think not

Engi attack drones can be hacked bht beacon drones cannot. Also the drones that circle engis closely cannot be hacked.

Oh he meant those engineer drones…

What can System Hack actually hack and what are the mechanics of the hacked objects? 


Do attack drones follow you around for only the activation period or do they follow you until they die? Do normally healing stationary objects begin to move or do they stay still and heal?How long do they heal; only during activation or until they die? What about tackler drones?


So many questions and not enough in-game information.

Attack drones follow you for the period specified in the Tooltip, or until destroyed.

Stationary objects will maintain their previous properties (they’ll still be still) but just switch to your side for the time in the Tooltip.


Once the time expires, the objects self-destruct.

2 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Attack drones follow you for the period specified in the Tooltip, or until destroyed.

Stationary objects will maintain their previous properties (they’ll still be still) but just switch to your side for the time in the Tooltip.


Once the time expires, the objects self-destruct.


Thanks a bundle. 


The module seems to be very limited then.

1 minute ago, Ibeprop said:


Thanks a bundle. 


The module seems to be very limited then.

Limited but almost infinitely useful in combat. A must-have for tactical ECMs.

Mind you it also captures mine-fields, gravity wells, destroyer drones, alien drones, and a buncha other cool stuff.

5 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Limited but almost infinitely useful in combat. A must-have for tactical ECMs.

Mind you it also captures mine-fields, gravity wells, destroyer drones, alien drones, and a buncha other cool stuff.

And Waz’got battle station ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

4 hours ago, niripas said:

And Waz’got battle station ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

I’ve not once been able to successfully capture a battlestation.

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I’ve not once been able to successfully capture a battlestation.

Works like a charm! Turn the station the wazzi dropped to defend itself right against its master!