Synopsis of Apologies for the Case for Squads in PvP

[CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/user/257821-cinnamonfake/) (09 May 2016 - 07:12 PM):

I suggested to summarize possible solutions on topic. Now SC Team will have some constructive feedback on it and it’s good.


_ Here I will summarize vindications for the “Case for Squads in PvP” _

                              … including possible solutions and constructive feedback.


#1 The Relevant SQUAD Discussions (2015 - 2016)

  Allow squads from the same corp to vs (Started by ArcTic, Jun 12 2015)

  [The Rank Matchmaker](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28707-star-conflict-123/) “rMM” (Posted by Skula1975, 12 November 2015 - 08:04 AM )

  [The case for squads in PvP](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30400-the-case-for-squads-in-pvp/page-8) (Started by JasanQuinn, May 02 2016)


#2 The Quintessence of the Case

[Skula1975](< base_url >/index.php?/user/239039-skula1975/)  on 12 November 2015 - 08:04 AM said:

5 Wings of 3 or 4 players had a significant effect on game balance, a solo player had little chance to put up any kind of resistance regardless of his skill.

That’s why 3-man and 4-man wings no longer have access to PvP modes

Such wings can move to the game mode that requires teamwork skills built specifically for them. This is the aforementioned SC Leagues mode.

Wings of this size can still access the following game modes: Special Operation, PvE, Sector Conquest, Weekend Tournaments, Open Space

[Silmerias](< base_url >/index.php?/user/81848-silmerias/) on 09 May 2016 - 7:30 PM, said:

  • do you know that the PvP in group is currently down and you lost a lot of old players because you removed squads

  • are you aware that we understand that a game need incomes but we will not pay for cash grab, but for real content.

  • do you understand that we are mad because of the amount of resources needed for everything because we all known that is a commercial strategy?


I’m here not to make an arguing in “-Yes, it is! -No, it isn’t!” style. It’s not productive and doesn’t help anyone. If I answered on something, this is the official statement from the company. Constructive conversation about important questions is always welcome, of course. Constructive means not only things that you personally dislike, but a possible solution for it also. Your questions:

-What about the ppl who don’t want squads? They will go if we’ll put them back as they were. We’re looking for compromises and solutions with the community here

-We have a plan for grand OS rework, you will know about it when the time will come.

-Dread battles had several changes, MM system has improved again just recently. Pools wasn’t changed though, maybe later :frowning:

For the rest, You have the game with great flight mechanics and highly variative customization system, which you can play for absolutely free in every aspect. I even say more, for those years we have created the best f2p space shooter in the world. And there’re no commercial strategies in it, only creativity and huge effort from SC team. This what is leading us further and will be.



JasanQuinn on 19 April 2016 - 11:13 AM said:

One of my fondest memories of squadding was when JPHack invited me to play T2 with him and one of his friends, who was new to the game. The new guy sucked because he was new, and we both sucked because we’d forgotten how to fly ships that weren’t energy stable and had zero tanking ability. But during one match it all came together. The three of us flanked the enemy team and dove right into the middle of them. The new kid led the charge with his Engineer while JP and I took out anyone who went after him, or tried to flee. In one pass it felt like we’d killed the entire enemy team, and the match swung heavily in our favour. All the while I could hear new kid laughing and cheering over teamspeak.

Moments like that are no-longer possible. I will never again share in the joy of a new player reaching their first Maniac, or feel the sense of pride at seeing a rookie learn to secure beacons ahead of time. You have killed the community spirit of the game by killing the most basic aspect - the ability to play with friends.


CinnamonFake posted on 19 April 2016 - 12:21 PM

Since squad system was moved to the Leagues, we’re always looking for the way to put it back somehow. It was removed because squades were to OP, they just crushing everything and everyone in PvP, and it makes lonely pilots (and there’re a lot of them everywhere, even in high tiers) completely impossible to win any match. To make two different MM systems mean to divide the whole player base. One of them would be much smaller that other, unfortunetly.




#3 The Summary of Possible Solutions

  § a1) Further improvement of Rank Matchmaker (rMM) instead of blocking entire squad mode in PvP (:unspecific)

  § a2) Further improvement of SC leagues battles to attract more pilot team players 24/7  (:unspecific)

  § b1) Allow squads of corporations fight against each other in PvP 24/7, no random squads/solo players (:specific)

  § b2) Allow squads of corporations fight against each other in PvP 24/7, plus random squads/solo players (:specific)

  § c1) Allow squads of same corp. fight against each other in PvP 24/7, no random squads/solo players (:specific)

  § c2) Allow squads of same corp. fight against each other in PvP 24/7, plus random squads/solo players (:specific)

  § d1) Allow squads of corp. alliances fight against each other in PvP 24/7, no random squads/solo players (:specific)

  § d2) Allow squads of corp. alliances fight against each other in PvP 24/7, plus random squads/solo players (:specific)

  § e) Provision of region specific SC leagues battle seasons to avoid US/EU/RU time-frame limitations and problems (:specific)

  § f) Provision of a pre-leagues PvP training grounds mode 24/7 with squad support in its rMM (:specific)

  § g) Integration of features of old sector conquest system (1 corp = 1 team, 8 vs 8). Corps can bring in more then 1 team (:specific)

  § h) A general releasing of squad restriction at higher ranks PvP - not only corp, vs corp. (:unspecific)

  § i) Provision of weighs (thresholds) in PvP rMM for players below certain win/loose rate, number of PvP battles (:specific)

  § j) Change of affirmations: SC is a team game, stop  “squad is OP”, instead “squad have the potential to tip the balance of the teams” (:specific)

  § k) Change of affirmations: Squads are awesome - reward it (:unspecific)

  § l) Tier threshold for squads in PvP: Less then 4-player squads in tier 3 (rank 9) is okay - no squads in tier 5 (rank 15)  (:specific)

  § m) Endgame: SC leagues to Dreadnought challenges need old style training via no restrictions for squad game play in tier 5 (:specific)

  § n) Further improvement of rewards to squads in Custom Battles, SC Leagues and Dreadnought battle modes (:unspecific)

  § o) rMM queue option (defaulted to on):  player select if they like to encounter squads above two people or not (:specific)

  § p) Penalties: ships in PvP squads get base penalty i.e. 10% slower, 10% less shield/hull resistance, etc. {:specific)

  § q) Players request more information from devs about what can be done and what can’t be done (:specific)

  § r) Players should have a dynamic skill rating (besides his pilot rating) for proper rMM function (:specific)

  § s) Players can MM settings (choose of server, games with squads or no squads)

  § t) No hot joins in already running PvP, instead a fill-up “lobby” (forming teams and chat)

  § u) More rewards for Dreadnaught “Conquest” squad fights

  § v) Unrestricted Dreadnaught “Conquest” squad fights, because they cost too much efforts in real life (planning, coordination)

  § w) SC Leagues squad fights should not be restricted to only 5vs5

  § x) SC Leagues squad fights should not be restricted to a single game mode (CTB, Conquer the Beacon)

  § y) SC Leagues squad fights should not be restricted to selected time schedules per day

  § z) Unrestricted SC Leagues squad fights, because they cost too much efforts in real life (planning, coordination)

  § A) Mentoring squads or Academies in lower tiers (e.g. having the Special Passive Ability - Tokens )

  § B)




( WIP : work in progress - will be edited successively )

Marginalia (2015 - 2016)

  [Squad Rewards](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30419-squad-rewards/) (Started by JasanQuinn, May 05 2016)

  [4 Man Squads: T5 Only](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30277-4-man-squads-t5-only/) (Started by ArcTic, Apr 15 2016)

  [Poll for bringing back 4 man squads](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29805-poll-for-bringing-back-4-man-squads/) (Started by ArcTic, Feb 24 2016)

  [Squad Rework](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/26433-squad-rework/) (Started by Engle, Mar 14 2015)

  [More Squad Options](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27618-more-squad-options/) (Started by LaenZero, Jul 09 2015)

  [Squads in Star Conflict](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30016-squads-in-star-conflict/) (Started by Cr0, Mar 19 2016)

  [A social squad for casual play!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30321-a-social-squad-for-casual-play/) (Started by StatueofLibroty, Apr 21 2016)


interesting thread, trying to summarize a bit…


, no random/solo players


i am pretty sure, most want random and solo players to fight alongside squads. dont forget, some people confuse the problems and think, its about squads vs. non-squads, maybe because of “random squads”.

interesting thread, trying to summarize a bit…


i am pretty sure, most want random and solo players to fight alongside squads. dont forget, some people confuse the problems and think, its about squads vs. non-squads, maybe because of “random squads”.

O.k. I’ll put that in: see §§ b2, c2, d2

Thank you !

Good post, avarshina. In my opinion, the best solution would be something like this:


Every player should have a skill rating (I think it’s already in the game, but I’m not talking about the pilot rating) that defines his actual skill. The matchmaker should try to create teams with similar overall skill rating.


When people squad up, their complessive rating should be the total of each pilot rating multiplied by 1.5/2. So, the matchmaker will probably match together 2 squads on opposing teams, but it will not penalize average/low skilled players, because if they have low ratings, they will be matched with higher skill solo players or squads with lesser members in them.


I know that what I’ve written is a mess, but I think it’s understandable what I want to say.  

To make my position clear;

I want squads and solo pilots mixed. I have no interest in squads only modes - they don’t work.

I don’t want to be punished for squadding, especially not when I’m playing with friends or helping out weaker players.

I don’t want to see good players, solo or squadding, to be punished for being good at the game.

To make my position clear;

I want squads and solo pilots mixed. I have no interest in squads only modes - they don’t work.

I don’t want to be punished for squadding, especially not when I’m playing with friends or helping out weaker players.

I don’t want to see good players, solo or squadding, to be punished for being good at the game.

Thank you for your input - its crucial!



I want squads and solo pilots mixed. I have no interest in squads only modes - they don’t work.

Covered by : §§: a1, a2, b2, c2, d2



I don’t want to be punished for squadding, especially not when I’m playing with friends or helping out weaker players.

O.k. so you are against §p

Your opinion is covered by §§ h, i, j, k, m, n, o



I don’t want to see good players, solo or squadding, to be punished for being good at the game.

No problem pal ! Why?

Because, you already have that in a somewhat restricted format :=> SC leagues and SC tournament

I know - its not optimal, but that’s why this synopsis is here for, Sir  :01212:

Hope that helps!

Good post, avarshina. In my opinion, the best solution would be something like this:


Every player should have a skill rating (I think it’s already in the game, but I’m not talking about the pilot rating) that defines his actual skill. The matchmaker should try to create teams with similar overall skill rating.


When people squad up, their complessive rating should be the total of each pilot rating multiplied by 1.5/2. So, the matchmaker will probably match together 2 squads on opposing teams, but it will not penalize average/low skilled players, because if they have low ratings, they will be matched with higher skill solo players or squads with lesser members in them.


I know that what I’ve written is a mess, but I think it’s understandable what I want to say.  

O.k. ! Thank you!

Your suggestion sounds reasonable, it is loosely covered by § a1

But : I put it in because it might be worth to focus on this!

See § r


P.S.: I understand your point, its nor a mess. In my humble opinion, if corps pre-select for skilled players to be integrated in their corp. they look after (depending) : 

* Total PvP battles (typ >2000)

* Average kills in battle (typ. >3)

* Average assists in battle (typ. >5)

Many good ideas. I never saw the squads as a problem in T3 and higher. You just knew when you saw 4 squad markers that it was going to be a solid tough fight. Did you loose with 3 other random players of course you could…but that time you beat that NASA squad with randoms…priceless. :006j: