switch factions?

I started the game as Jericho and am about 3 days into the game, not too far. I looked into some ships and decided i would rather use the empire ships. is there a way to switch from jericho to empire? I was gonna start over but i cant even figure out how to get rid of this character and start a new one.

Simply switch contracts to either of the Empire sub factions to switch your primary faction.

Using different craft is as simple as buying one of the desired craft.  Then follow Keiichi’s instructions to begin building rep in that faction.


Your originating race bonuses will remain unchanged (ie you’ll always initially be from Jericho), but that doesn’t have a huge impact.

Go to the contracts section, click on Legion and switch to that. Costs like 140k creds though. 

Contract switching costs ({your current faction loyalty level} -1) multiplied by 20,000 credits, each time you switch.  So bouncing around will wind up being costly.


A good solution is to limit it to switching only after you’ve gained access to the Mk3 stuff for that tier (every 3 levels), or do the long slog and try to max it before switching (although that can lead to other issues)

/topic moved.

They really need to make it free if you’re still in tier one. Many players are unsure what race fits them. 

They really need to make it free if you’re still in tier one. Many players are unsure what race fits them. 

Its not that expensive at first, when you are already at rank 7 - 8 and upwards with the sub-factions then you start spending some creds.