Sweet Candy

From an early childhood we have learned to set up goals, achieve them and to be rewarded with “candy”.

At first it was a simple “take away toys”, “read me the word.” Then the tasks became more difficult,  “do not fight with your class mates,” “always make your homework.” The older we got, the more difficult the tasks got, but the candy got sweeter.
Even after taking a rest we continued to set goals and achieve the desired reward - to be faster, smarter, more efficient. Get more kills, “learn new flying skills” to get more posts on the forum, to do something unique and to become known throughout the whole project.
We compete or fail in the race, but we continue to follow the competition. With interest we view the rating, check the top players 5 times a day and cheer for different corporations.


Most online games have attracted a large number of players with different tastes and priorities, attitudes and principles. Some like the close combat with live opponents going for adrenaline and fight for the victory. Others prefer to conquer the endless space and fighting NPC pirates.
And therefore the rating of victories can be less interesting to them, or fascinating, and in need of some more different rating.


Wiki says that the first achievement system was introduced back in 1980’s. By 2000 there were many achievements for a lot of different player actions.
Generally, achievements and any other aspect of life cause ambivalence.
There are those who like to farm “achievements”, they can combine the most senseless and unnecessary modules in order to make the game more enjoyable or kill the boss in a certain way like standing on one leg, holding himself with his left hand on the right ear. And there are those who treat them “cool”, or finding them boring.


Developer discussion:

(going to be added soon)







In any case, no matter what they thought achievements were, are and will be there today.

We on our part, we will hurry to congratulate players with fast delivery with “candy” on our shelves, and Super-testers and Beta-testers will get special candies. And we plan to fill up and make a list of possible achievements in the different categories and types.



hmm… so uh… you need our help suggesting some epic, crazy,  ridiculus , funny, or even weird, achievement?

nice…achievments :smiley:

i would use the juggernaut icon and an achievment like: repaired most hp

Nice. I like the idea.


mainly if achievements are rewarded someway. :005j:

 i would suggest an Wall of Achievements. Where i can see all my Medals.

yeah! I have a suggestion to be improve here.

The achievements are divided by categories like number of kills, assists, k/d relation … and each categories has the values to be achieve. Then when the pilot get the necessary value he earn the reward(can be golds or credits).

Most amount of fired missiles in 5 battles


Highest K/D


Highest D/K


Lowest tier 5 battles in a row


Highest Tier in 5 battles in a row


Do the Most flips in 5 battles in a row


Get the farthest  shot (sniper) 5 battles in a row


Get the closest shot (QCB) 5 battles in a row




Have 10 Members


Have 20 Members


Have 50 Members


Have 100 Members


Have 1,000 kills


Have 2,500 kills 


Have 5,000 kills


have 12,000 kills


Have 28,000 kills


Just a few add-ons you could do :slight_smile:

I like both of the awards. do them all.

though this more a cosmetic feature it is nice to see how players care for the game :smiley:

Do the most flips in a battle…people started spinning all night long^^

Good work, devs :slight_smile:


Achievement Bruiser:


The Pilot stayed most of the time in 2Km range of an Enemy


Achievement Tactical Relocation:

Assist a kill with a crash


Achievement Party Pooper:


Killed a Player that has moved less then 25 seconds/minute

What about something to do with Stock Ships ? like winning a battle with 5-10 kills with a ship that has only stock equipement, no modules or added weapons?

I want Achievements for healing err repairing :stuck_out_tongue:


My fav so far:



Most amount of fired missiles in 5 battles


Highest K/D


Highest D/K


Lowest tier 5 battles in a row


Highest Tier in 5 battles in a row


Do the Most flips in 5 battles in a row


Get the farthest  shot (sniper) 5 battles in a row


Get the closest shot (QCB) 5 battles in a row




Have 10 Members


Have 20 Members


Have 50 Members


Have 100 Members


Have 1,000 kills


Have 2,500 kills 


Have 5,000 kills


have 12,000 kills


Have 28,000 kills


Just a few add-ons you could do :slight_smile:


I’m sorry to say that, but all your suggestions highly encourage farming and are the total boring standard of achievemnts(You see them in every freakin game in one form or another), no thanks.




Achievement Bruiser:


The Pilot stayed most of the time in 2Km range of an Enemy


Achievement Tactical Relocation:

Assist a kill with a crash


Achievement Party Pooper:


Killed a Player that has moved less then 25 seconds/minute


Now THAT’S what I wanna see!

BUT, these are still more a medal material. We were talking about achievements, those that provide more difficult/long-term challenges, not medals (e.g “fear me!” etc.) Don’t switch that up!




What about something to do with Stock Ships ? like winning a battle with 5-10 kills with a ship that has only stock equipement, no modules or added weapons?






Some Ideas of my own:

Numbers in parentheses are variable, since I don’t know about how fair and achieveable this things ultimately are)


“Calculate THIS!”

Shoot an unguided missile and hit an enemy that is (2-3) kilometers away (10-20) times.



“Hiden Badass” (Borderline, could also qualify as medal)


Be MVP while having spent (60-70)% of the round’s total playtime being insible(ODG Chameleon.)




Restore a total of 10.000.000 (ten million) Hull/Shield strength.



Also: I am against the Juggernaut Achievement, for one, it is too easy to be achievement material, make it a medal at best, for two, it encourages picking classes that just dish out damage instead of playing the objective.

Combat Medic: Repair (all or the most) team members during the battle. 


Surgeon: Eliminate 3 enemies with one shot each


Boom Headshot!: Make all kills using only “sniper” class weapons


Mad Bomber: Make kills using only missile hard points


Mother Teresa: Win the battle without firing a shot and repairing [a certain number] of team-mates


Raider: Capture all beacons without dying


Kill 5 enemies without firing a single shot

Kamikaze - should be added




Received after a total of 30 seconds of impact shaking.


I’ll take that first-class ticket to hell now, thanks  :01515: