Survival Replacement

So Basically this would still be survival minus the x3 damage or whatever it is.

Total 1000 points starting at 0 per side. For each person on the beacon thingy in Picture B is 1 point/second. That’s pretty much it…

Dying does not give extra points it just removes that ship from the scene from being able to get points.

This keeps your team working together and keeps people from spawn killing (for the most part) because kills are worth nothing except efficiency ofc.

Too often people don’t even do the mission, they just kill people.

ALSO its just the one beacon or whatever in the whole match thus survival…

This game mode would also be almost impossible to draw on. Draw = 0 points on both sides.

One thing I’m questioning about this is should it keep the same rules as the beacon cap;

if you take damage then you stop capping for 1 second until damage stops


don’t stop capping (If you are in ~800 meters of the beacon then you are capping regardless of taking damage)  ???






Feel free to add your suggestion and thoughts… If you guys really want to remove this treacherous survival mode then vote this up and give feedback to make it more SC playable…


Picture A:

589e0d37830a1_BarDiagram.png.3708c491338128198524c5922d7da728.png (can be any amount of points but there is still a time limit ofc. Just make the points range reasonable…)


Picture B:

589e0d38279e6_Beaconthingyma-whatever.jpg.6a5231d79e5c3ebf6c4468ceb9420a93.jpg (Can be a beacon or whatever, just something to capture and I was thinking something else since beacon cap’ing is pretty fast so it would need to be 1 pt/sec/ship…)


Additional Notes taken from suggestions:


The blue ball thing: just make it so you cant shoot through the beacon. There are plenty of things blue ball can shoot through.

Spawn killing happens; there is really no way to stop people from doing it. ALTHOUGH one thing you could do, for this mode anyway, is to make it so that if you are in enemy spawn and kill someone then points are deducted. You would still get efficiency but if you kill everyone in the spawn and we don’t even touch the beacon then you will lose and that’s even if you guys are holding it. OFC if you are the only one killing and your team is still capping then its a race between how many you kill and how fast they cap. But keep in mind you are at this point COMPELETELY working against your team. For each enemy killed in spawn deducts like ~30 points from your own cap points.

OR for the spawn killing thing - There is a invincibility timer for spawning for like 5-10 seconds (I cant remember sorry). That said if you are in the spawn then you are taking damage. This means no spawn camping for either team even in there own spawn. You have to move away from the spawn. For newly spawned you have the invincibility time to get out of the spawn. (a cloud of gas that does thermal damage or something like that)… No one likes spawn campers anyway let alone spawn killers.

And as far as destroyers, well if they are keeping the stats for them the way they are now then I don’t really see this being a problem considering how few people are using them. This implies pretty much the same scenario as beacon hunt only its just 1 beacon the whole time.

Also, its survival. Its not meant to be easy. This mode SHOULD be one of the most difficult modes…


Or both teams could start at even, (both red and blue on the “zero” mark in the middle,) and whichever team holds a beacon slowly pushes the enemy score back. First team to completely dominate the points wins. Otherwise, the team with the most score on the meter once time ends will win. I like.

Well, that’s exactly what I was pushing here but at least we are on the same page lol ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

The bar is just a screenshot indicating that my team is in the lead (blue team)…

Hey,  I m for the change but I see some problems maybe you can address.(Please don’t think I m against your idea in the slightest.)


  1. What stops me from going past the beacon and spawn killing you. . . allowing for more people from my team to capture the beacon while I m simply killing anything that spawns and anything that I don t kill has to run to the beacon to fight an entire team waiting ?  I get the concept that I won’t be helping my team if I do this from a points perspective but I I can spawn camp your team stoping 4 or 5 players to getting to the beacon I have drastically changed the outcome of this match.  As you stated above some players only like to kill . . .  I don t care about the objective when I can kill.


  1. With the assumption that dessy’s have their old stats back and there is no 2.5x dmg on them.  What stops them from steam rolling in and absorbing so much damage. why wouldn’t every one just take a dessy ?  Why take an interceptor with 10K ehp knowing that everyone will be torping that beacon and I have one life if Im to be affective a getting points.  When I can take my 300K dessy ?


  1. Wont blue ball gunships have the biggest advantage in this game mode.  People are hiding on the other side of the beacon. . . no problem for blue balls…  Aside from dessy rushing ?

[@AdamWest](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/245182-adamwest/) Those are all good points but those things are already happening. I will try to think some things up but I would need help in that area. Please also watch the video on where the idea came from.

The blue ball thing: just make it so you cant shoot through it. There are plenty of things blue ball can shoot through.

Spawn killing happens; there is really no way to stop people from doing it. ALTHOUGH one thing you could do, for this mode anyway, is to make it so that if you are in enemy spawn and kill someone then points are deducted. You would still get eff but if you kill everyone in the spawn and we don’t even touch the beacon then you will lose and that’s even if you guys are holding it. OFC if you are the only one killing and your team is still capping then its a race between how many you kill and how fast they cap. But keep in mind you are at this point COMPELETELY working against your team. For each enemy killed in spawn deducts like ~30 points from your own cap points.

OR for the spawn killing thing - There is a invincibility timer for spawning for like 5-10 seconds (I cant remember sorry). That said if you are in the spawn then you are taking damage. This means no spawn camping for either team even in there own spawn. You have to move away from the spawn. For newly spawned you have the invincibility time to get out of the spawn. (a cloud of gas that does thermal damage or something like that)… No one likes spawn campers anyway let alone spawn killers. BUT then there is the problem with slow ships going like 150m/s. That would mean the spawn cap radius could only be like 1.5 km or something which is more than small enough for any ship to still be able to kill spawns… (HELP!) lol

And as far as destroyers, well if they are keeping the stats for them the way they are now then I don’t really see this being a problem considering how few people are using them. This implies pretty much the same scenario as beacon hunt only its just 1 beacon the whole time.

Also, its survival. Its not meant to be easy. This mode SHOULD be one of the most difficult modes…

Genial!!! That would be sooo much better. Yea anything would be better, but this sounds pretty fun.

On a side note. I just took over a bit over 18k damage from collision. Just by accelerating from 0 near a wall…overdrive on.

  • from me ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

On 10.2.2017 at 8:53 PM, AdamWest said:

Hey,  I m for the change but I see some problems maybe you can address.(Please don’t think I m against your idea in the slightest.)

[Picture: The mask is off, ‘I’ll kill ya-- Thatga’"]


All the while we come up with these ideas and +1 them, the devs are laughing saying, “AAHHH, how cute! They actually think they have a say in this game”.


i think survival is fine as a filler game, it just seems to be too often in the rotation. could be subjective, but it seems like that is its most annoying feature.

in fact its the mode where thargas are less dominant… atm…

if any modes should be seeded more often, then its rather tdm or domination, coz well, they are mostly straight forward. but thats another topic.

decrease x3 to x2, make dmg bonus range to 3000m and add +30% speed bonus.