Summer DLC sale!

figures this aligns with all these medical copays. rip me.

aaanyway. I think releasing this game on steam was a big mistake because you dont have control over the comments, although the issues raised there are easily fixable

figures this aligns with all these medical copays. rip me.

aaanyway. I think releasing this game on steam was a big mistake because you dont have control over the comments , although the issues raised there are easily fixable

Wait, are you actually encouraging censorship or am i misunderstanding this? They actually do post every announcement from the forums on Steam as well and they themselves also post on the Steam forums (i have seen ‘‘Error’’ plenty of times responding to people on Steam), so they are active on Steam as well to at least a certain extent.

Steam is actually a REALLY good way to increase the popularity of your game IF you at least market yourself properly. I mean just look at the numbers of Star Conflict compared to War Thunder and you can see how much difference being in the spotlight makes.

Star Conflict:

War Thunder:

Wait, are you actually encouraging censorship or am i misunderstanding this? They actually do post every announcement from the forums on Steam as well and they themselves also post on the Steam forums (i have seen ‘‘Error’’ plenty of times responding to people on Steam), so they are active on Steam as well to at least a certain extent.

Steam is actually a REALLY good way to increase the popularity of your game IF you at least market yourself properly. I mean just look at the numbers of Star Conflict compared to War Thunder and you can see how much difference being in the spotlight makes.

Star Conflict:

War Thunder:

Star Conflict:

Lost ~1000 players (~65%) from largest average to current 30 day average

Lost ~4000 players (~80%) from largest peak to current 30 day peak

Largest one month net gain of players: 280

Largest one month net loss of players: 751 (130, if ignoring that one)

Average players in past 30 days: 530


War Thunder:

Lost ~2000 players (~15%) from largest average to current 30 day average

Lost ~6000 players (~25%) from largest peak to current 30 day peak

Largest one month net gain of players: 4119 (3772, if ignoring that one (3468, if ignoring that one))

Largest one month net loss of players: 2706

Average players in past 30 days: 11422


Of course, the comparison doesn’t stand quite so easily, since so many people apparently don’t use the steam launcher for Star Conflict. However, I can nearly guarantee you that the peak population in Star Conflict is less than the 30 day average for the steam users of War Thunder.

Actually, no, I don’t. Credit grind has never been a problem for me, only rarely getting a bit tight right after buying a lot of new ships in tiers that I hadn’t reached yet. Even now, when all the ships I have left to buy are more than 7 mil (and quite a few at 9 mil), I still don’t have a problem with credits.


Anyways, getting a bit off topic, here. Point being, the DLCs only cut grind by a small amount, add a miniscule amount of content that I rarely use, and still cost far too much even on sale.

You keep forgetting the gold standards. So far, DLCs are the best way to get GS, even if you disregard the other bonuses and ships.

Star Conflict:

Lost ~1000 players (~65%) from largest average to current 30 day average

Lost ~4000 players (~80%) from largest peak to current 30 day peak

Largest one month net gain of players: 280

Largest one month net loss of players: 751 (130, if ignoring that one)

Average players in past 30 days: 530


War Thunder:

Lost ~2000 players (~15%) from largest average to current 30 day average

Lost ~6000 players (~25%) from largest peak to current 30 day peak

Largest one month net gain of players: 4119 (3772, if ignoring that one (3468, if ignoring that one))

Largest one month net loss of players: 2706

Average players in past 30 days: 11422


Of course, the comparison doesn’t stand quite so easily, since so many people apparently don’t use the steam launcher for Star Conflict. However, I can nearly guarantee you that the peak population in Star Conflict is less than the 30 day average for the steam users of War Thunder.

I don’t know what do you expect. WarThunder is playing in another league. It is like comparing star conflict to World of tanks. It is not even close.


Considering the low exposition Star conflict has, I think the numbers are nice. Most people in the reviews are amazed that this game just went under their radars, because nobody is talking about it.


In fact when I discovered it 2 years ago, I thought the same. How could be possible I missed this game? Well, because you couldn’t find it anywhere. Only raw luck and one of my friends finding it while surfing in the steam “free to play” tab allowed me to discover it.


My friend just played a few games, but he didn’t like the progression system (he is more akin to MOBAs) so he left, even if he liked the game. But for me it was just a World of Tanks like game, but in space with full 6 dof and classes with different modifiers. Perfect to sink hours on it.

I don’t know what do you expect. WarThunder is playing in another league. It is like comparing star conflict to World of tanks. It is not even close.


Considering the low exposition Star conflict has, I think the numbers are nice. Most people in the reviews are amazed that this game just went under their radars, because nobody is talking about it.


In fact when I discovered it 2 years ago, I thought the same. How could be possible I missed this game? Well, because you couldn’t find it anywhere. Only raw luck and one of my friends finding it while surfing in the steam “free to play” tab allowed me to discover it.


My friend just played a few games, but he didn’t like the progression system (he is more akin to MOBAs) so he left, even if he liked the game. But for me it was just a World of Tanks like game, but in space with full 6 dof and classes with different modifiers. Perfect to sink hours on it.

Well i can’t talk for StatueofLibroty, but what you’re saying was kind of my point. Like you said War Thunder is in a different league and it’s because of the lack of exposition Star Conflict has.

It’s why i originally responded to BCHyperion, releasing Star Conflict on Steam wasn’t a mistake because as you can see from the numbers, promoting your game can give your game a huge player boost just from Steam alone. The mistake was releasing the game and then (Gaijin) going ‘‘ok we’re done promotion wise, the players will flock to our game now’’, i remember Star Conflict itself and Invasion finally coming out of beta at the same time…no promotion whatsoever except on their own website, Facebook and russian facebook copycat from what i saw, season 2/dreadnoughts gets released and once again i barely saw any promotions.

Instead of sneaky raising the DLC prices of War Thunder and Star Conflict, maybe Gaijin should actually improve their promotion campaigns to improve profits over the long run.

You keep forgetting the gold standards. So far, DLCs are the best way to get GS, even if you disregard the other bonuses and ships.

I used the GS I got from my last DLC purchase for a license. Yes, the credit income was great. No, I did not really feel the boost to loyalty or synergy much, even though they were the same size. Say what you like, but it doesn’t exactly cut the grind as much as you’d like to imply.


I don’t know what do you expect. WarThunder is playing in another league. It is like comparing star conflict to World of tanks. It is not even close.


Considering the low exposition Star conflict has, I think the numbers are nice. Most people in the reviews are amazed that this game just went under their radars, because nobody is talking about it.


In fact when I discovered it 2 years ago, I thought the same. How could be possible I missed this game? Well, because you couldn’t find it anywhere. Only raw luck and one of my friends finding it while surfing in the steam “free to play” tab allowed me to discover it.


My friend just played a few games, but he didn’t like the progression system (he is more akin to MOBAs) so he left, even if he liked the game. But for me it was just a World of Tanks like game, but in space with full 6 dof and classes with different modifiers. Perfect to sink hours on it.

Yes, War Thunder is in another league. It’s got about 20 times more players, according to Steam. Or about five times, if you believe that everybody players World of Tanks through Steam, and Star Conflict has about five times more players who use the native launcher than Steam. Either way, that’s just about an order of magnitude, which is a tad ridiculous, as they’re both from the same publisher.


I do agree that the numbers aren’t bad, considering the low publicity Star Conflict has. I heard about it myself through word of mouth, the cheapest, most fickle, least far-reaching of all advertisements. But I’m not sure what reviews you’re talking about. None of the Steam reviews – be they “most helpful”, positive, negative, or from my Steam friends list – mention the low publicity. None of the critic or player reviews on Metacritic mention it, either. Literally none of the reviews I could find mentioned the low publicity.


And I’m sure you like the game. I’m a fan of it, too. How crazy, to meet someone else who likes Star Conflict! Considering how small the player base is, it’s practically a miracle.