Suicidal funships

So I am limited to 20 fps at the moment until I get a new computer which is why I have been playing the slow empire gunships alot recently (instead of the fedoration gunships) and I have noticed my playstyle has changed alot. The agression bar has gone through the roof and now i just charge at mobs of ships sat on beacons and try and cause as much chaos before I erupt in a glorious ball of flames.


What I want to know is (in your humble opinions) does this aid the team? I find alot of games start to go one way in a 12v12 when the enemy team start to curbstone your team using a mass of frigates and interceptors that are all giving each other one massive hug. I have also noticed that if a few other pilots with the same mentality join in on the suicidal rampage it usually breaks up the mob and the rest of the team can pick up the pace and turn the game around.


What do people think? Is this a legit tactic or am I getting lucky? (I usually fly solo but if friends are online, I will hop in a squad with 1 or 2 of them)

So I am limited to 20 fps at the moment until I get a new computer which is why I have been playing the slow empire gunships alot recently (instead of the fedoration gunships) and I have noticed my playstyle has changed alot. The agression bar has gone through the roof and now i just charge at mobs of ships sat on beacons and try and cause as much chaos before I erupt in a glorious ball of flames.


What I want to know is (in your humble opinions) does this aid the team? I find alot of games start to go one way in a 12v12 when the enemy team start to curbstone your team using a mass of frigates and interceptors that are all giving each other one massive hug. I have also noticed that if a few other pilots with the same mentality join in on the suicidal rampage it usually breaks up the mob and the rest of the team can pick up the pace and turn the game around.


What do people think? Is this a legit tactic or am I getting lucky? (I usually fly solo but if friends are online, I will hop in a squad with 1 or 2 of them)

Empire gunships have enough staying power to do that, break havoc, retreat and survive enought to do it again when the modules have recharged.


You just have to wait the precise moment where you want to do that.

i think its a reasonable tactic. but you must really know what you’re doing. fly in shoot stuff, if possible kills stuff, get even more attention, run around the circles so they try to catch you and die. then you perhaps wasted 20 sec of couple players not focusing on more important matter, that can give your team an advantage. but you should still try to survive against the odds. everytime you get enemy to target you instead of your frigate buddies you help the team, because you have far better chances to dodge that than a guy in frig. thus making the shot a waste. simple as that