Suggestion: Frigate rebalance

Hi there testers!


Wall of Text

I’ve been playing with the beta since about 8 days now and i find the gameplay entertaining and challenging, but this topic is more about ship roles, expecially the Frigates. Currently most people are don’t want to fly frigates and i’m one of them. Now frigates are mostly just flying coffins. I think this is not entirely but mostly because it’s role and the special ability of the ship which is supposed to enchance in it’s role.

Basicly all ship types have a special ability as you guys already know it. MWD for the interceptors, cloak for Attack Ships and sniper mode for Frigates. My problem is that these special abilities defines the role of a ship, which isn’t a bad thing for interceptors and attack ships. MWD can be used to quick raids, caping an objective or GTFO manouvers. Cloak is the perfect tool for hit&run tactics and flanking, but the frigate’s sniper mode is for only one purpose… to deliver devestating long range fire support, if you want to specialize your frigate in any other role you need to forget about the special ability.

For instance i want to turn my frig into a mobile repair platform. So i can repair hull damage and restore shields of allied ships on the battlefield or making it an EW ship with some nasty modules to make angry everyone in the opposite team. Sure i can do this, no problem, but any other role than sniping is looks bad because of the special ability.

Now you can say, that the special abilities also limits the role of the interceptors and attack ships as well and i agree, but don’t forget that those are supposed to be specialized ships, they’re are fighter crafts afterall. The frigates are different because a frigate supposed to be a real ship, some of the today’s Navy even describe them as capital ships because frigates are the largest ships they have. real life Frigates have crews, redundant systems and are mostly multi mission capable. Of course comparining real ships to a video game is looks silly, but still if you call something a frigate that means it’s supposed to similar to a real life frigate.

I have some suggestions about this. First, make more frigate types with different special abilities and also with a little different stats. For example…

Support Frigate - Special ability: Logistic Reconfiguration (Directs energy from weapons, engines and shield to remote repair modules). These ships have weaker hulls and shields, but speed would be higher than sniper frigates so they can be deployed with smaller crafts, of course the speed would be still slow compared to an attack ship.

EW Frigate - Special Ability: Scrambling (Reduced capacitor and shield/hull regen but increasing offensive EW modules range and effectivness). Generally these ships needs bigger capacitors, but with weaker hulls and a penalty to weapon damage.

Sniper Frigate: This is the current frigate

Battle Frigate - Special Ability: Overcharging (Slowly damage hull and draining capacitor but increases shield resists, shield regen and the rate of fire of the main cannons aswell). These ships meant to be on the front line to deliver heavy fire support or to serve as the spearheads of a strike force. Stronger hull and high capacity shields. Also these ships have a higher resists on default, but this kind of protection comes at a cost which is low speed and manouverability.

MIssile Frigate - Special Ability: Missile Barrage (Disables main cannons and reducing speed, but greatly increase the reload speed of the missile banks, also these ships has far bigger ammo reserves) Well this is mostly another type of sniper frigate. These kind of ships have a big missile reserves… say about 3-4-5 times bigger than normal ships. These are rockets, guided missiles and also long range cruise missiles, but no torpedoes. Costly ships to maintain i’m sure, but having such a ship in your team to suppress and harass enemies from longer ranges with fire and forget weapons is always a good thing. The more ammo means the ship needs to sacrifice it’s armor plating, so the hull should be weaker and by that i mean atleast 30-40% less hull points than the current frigates. Shield regen also reduced and because the main armaments on these ships are missiles, the equipped cannons do 25% less damage.

Second suggestion is to allow us to change the special abilities on our ships. These should be skills that we need to learn. This method requiries other approach than my first suggestion. in this way ships will be mostly identical. I think this kind of thing can be done quickly.

Overall i think frigates needs to be more powerful or atleast giving them more hull/shield is essencial. Right now i can go on 1vs1 with any frigate with my interceptor and i think all of us know how these fights usually ends.

Right now these are my suggestions for frigates. What you guys are thinking? Should we try to convice the devs to change the frigates? Is that would be a small adjustment or a big overhaul?

If you have your own suggestion regarding the frigates feel free to post it here and as always… feedbacks are welcome.

Agree on the “flying coffins” part. They go down too quickly and are helpless against interceptors, but I think that’s more of a problem with interceptors having an excessively good combination of speed, small size, hitpoints and ability to use defensive modules.

My frigate tends to die much, much faster than my interceptor which is nonsense.

well… by default… yes… frigate so easy to die…you just need forgot brake and never fly straight

but when someone start complete more than 1 full tech… or even complete all tech… Frigate as Bringer of Doom is come… tell me how goin counter those end-tech such as nuke?

Frig can kill Int if you use rail or plasma. Laser is to accurate to work. An freshly respawned Int with all rokets remain can burst down a frig if he uses the right modules. Systems down, no energy… CC 4 the winn like everywhere. The problem you have with Frig is your alone in the last line. If an Int warps to you your mostly dead in low tier. Only the help of Arkan system or slow rockets can make you survive such an attack or the help of other pilots.

But Frig only has problems in low tier. T3+ and T4 cant be killed solo with Int that easyly. If have real problems getting a t3+ down even if i throw everything on it. Especially a already high lvled ship has so much beef to be grilled…

But we still miss the ships of other races. There could be a variety you already mentiont above.

Agree on the “flying coffins” part. They go down too quickly and are helpless against interceptors, but I think that’s more of a problem with interceptors having an excessively good combination of speed, small size, hitpoints and ability to use defensive modules.

My frigate tends to die much, much faster than my interceptor which is nonsense.

Yes, maybe the problem to weaker frigs expecially on lower tiers is the interceptors… they’re too good. Making inties weapons fixed instead of turrets should solve this. I rather not nerf the speed of them.

well… by default… yes… frigate so easy to die…you just need forgot brake and never fly straight

but when someone start complete more than 1 full tech… or even complete all tech… Frigate as Bringer of Doom is come… tell me how goin counter those end-tech such as nuke?

Well… that’s another thing. I personally hate high damage AOE weapons, but see why we should have those kind of toys in the game. Maybe this can be solved with the specialized frigate classes, so not all of the higher tier ships could deploy such weapons. Right now i can’t compare high tech high-end frigates because i don’t have those. I have no idea why the devs want us to grind over the whole game. It’s bullox.

Frig can kill Int if you use rail or plasma. Laser is to accurate to work. An freshly respawned Int with all rokets remain can burst down a frig if he uses the right modules. Systems down, no energy… CC 4 the winn like everywhere. The problem you have with Frig is your alone in the last line. If an Int warps to you your mostly dead in low tier. Only the help of Arkan system or slow rockets can make you survive such an attack or the help of other pilots.

But Frig only has problems in low tier. T3+ and T4 cant be killed solo with Int that easyly. If have real problems getting a t3+ down even if i throw everything on it. Especially a already high lvled ship has so much beef to be grilled…

But we still miss the ships of other races. There could be a variety you already mentiont above.

I think the gap between T2 and T3 should be smaller. This can be resolved with modifications of the current mod layout. Now, a T1 doesn’t have any mods, a T2 has 1 and upgraded T2 has 3. Because i don’t own any T3 ships i don’t know how many on T3 and T4. But neverthless i find the modding scheme silly. We should put any kind of mod on our ships, but of course only one from every category. So a T1 can equip 0, T1 upraged got 1, T2 got 2, T2 upgraded got 3 and so on. The point is, there is a lots of ways to rebelanace the ships but which one would be the perfect? How much advantage should have a higher tier ship compared another one one tier below.

In the current form T1 and T2 are kind of a minor league and T3 and 4 are the actual war machines in this game.

Frig can kill Int if you use rail or plasma. Laser is to accurate to work. An freshly respawned Int with all rokets remain can burst down a frig if he uses the right modules. Systems down, no energy… CC 4 the winn like everywhere. The problem you have with Frig is your alone in the last line. If an Int warps to you your mostly dead in low tier. Only the help of Arkan system or slow rockets can make you survive such an attack or the help of other pilots.

But Frig only has problems in low tier. T3+ and T4 cant be killed solo with Int that easyly. If have real problems getting a t3+ down even if i throw everything on it. Especially a already high lvled ship has so much beef to be grilled…

But we still miss the ships of other races. There could be a variety you already mentiont above.

Right, I was speaking from my experience, which is tech 1 and tech 2. Going to be a while till I get tech 3 frigates :slight_smile:

hight tier frigate are imune to interceptors. They regen and sustain more damage then a interceptor can cause.

Now frigates are mostly just flying coffins.

the thing is that only the first tier frigates are like that, T1 interceptor is a lot better than the frigate so maybe a rebalancing of the T1 frigate is in order but as u get more rep and lvl up and buy other frigates they tend to be a ton better

Yes, maybe the problem to weaker frigs expecially on lower tiers is the interceptors… they’re too good. Making inties weapons fixed instead of turrets should solve this. I rather not nerf the speed of them.

guess this would work also

also i would rather prefer to be able to change my special ability on ships, different kinds of ships with specific special ability would be ok also

now u could make a repair frigate with a higher tier frigate but it would still only be a sniper repair frigate … not a true repair frigate but for this they should add some other different abilities for frigates like some heal skill or skill that makes the modules that heal allies heal even more for a time so some other skill, there could be so many other special skills and not just for frigate

On T1 and T2 almost every ship dies very fast. But the inter is very fast and can evade shots while the frigate is very slow, but for that the friagte is very effective on high range and can kill the inters very fast.

And for healing modules I think there are already some in game and if not they are planned I think.

On T1 and T2 almost every ship dies very fast. But the inter is very fast and can evade shots while the frigate is very slow, but for that the friagte is very effective on high range and can kill the inters very fast.

And for healing modules I think there are already some in game and if not they are planned I think.

Yep there’s the remote hull repair and remote shield regen, but i never used them don’t know if they work

hight tier frigate are imune to interceptors. They regen and sustain more damage then a interceptor can cause.

That’s true. With my updated T2 interceptor i was hardly able to even scratch a T3 frigate if the pilot was able to engage any regen/repair modules. Even if i spammed 6-7 rockets on him. Well, that’s not a problem in my opinion.

the thing is that only the first tier frigates are like that, T1 interceptor is a lot better than the frigate so maybe a rebalancing of the T1 frigate is in order but as u get more rep and lvl up and buy other frigates they tend to be a ton better

guess this would work also

also i would rather prefer to be able to change my special ability on ships, different kinds of ships with specific special ability would be ok also

now u could make a repair frigate with a higher tier frigate but it would still only be a sniper repair frigate … not a true repair frigate but for this they should add some other different abilities for frigates like some heal skill or skill that makes the modules that heal allies heal even more for a time so some other skill, there could be so many other special skills and not just for frigate

Exactly. I think if we’re able to change our special ability that could just make the game even more fun, bevause right now if you engage a frigate you’ll know that ship is a sniper, so just need to get into close range and keep moving.

On T1 and T2 almost every ship dies very fast. But the inter is very fast and can evade shots while the frigate is very slow, but for that the friagte is very effective on high range and can kill the inters very fast.

And for healing modules I think there are already some in game and if not they are planned I think.

Frigates usually only able to kill rookie inty pilots or those one that has no situational awerness at all. Most people learn quickly to not fly head-on against a frigate. There’s a lots of asteroids and other structures to hide and flank the frigates. Yes there are healing modules already in the game even remote repair modules. They’re normal targeted modules and AOE ones too.

On T3 and 4 i think there are 2 things that makes them so much powerful. First is the mods (ship monds and normal ones). An Mk3 Frigate repair module can repair 585 hull points in every sec for 13 seconds, not including the Engineering skill which can increase this with 25%. My updated T2 inty uses Fine rapid rails. These can do 85 damage each with an ROF of 210 shot/min. The interceptor has 2 guns, wich means i can do 170 damage with one shot, 210 shots/mins is means 3.5 shots in every secons, so my DPS (damage per second) would be 595, also i’ve improved charges weapon mod those adding another 5% damage, so total DPS is 624, 75. So if the frigate doesn’t have any resists, which i highly doubt, i can only do about 40 damage in a second to a T3 frigate which usually has a shield capacity over 7-8k.

The second one is the EW modules. WHen i first encountered with someone with a statis generator i was shocked. A module that requires absolutly no real skill at all, but it makes the target a sitting duck for several seconds. For an inty this few seconds could mean the difference between life and death. And you can equip this module on any T3/4 ships. This also true for the Ion beam too.

Maybe i’m just simply overreacting things here and this will be solved as soon there’s enough players so there wouldn’t be T1/2 vs T3/4 matches.

Yep there’s the remote hull repair and remote shield regen, but i never used them don’t know if they work

it works… there’s 2 type, 1 time burst each used (under hull and shield module section, like normal repair module, but it affect area) and aura (under support module section)…

both eat alot energy especialy aura one , make any frigate who using it ussualy almost cant fight. Not mention the range kinda small (By default 1K for hull and 2K for shield).

so except the “medic” frigate ignored on “hold the beacon” fight scenario, i doubt those module gonna useful… since activating both shield and hull regen aura gonna leave your frigate with less than half energy reserve… more less if you moving around and impossible for fight…

the burst area repair one maybe a bit tolerable since it only goin eat tons of energy when the button pushed, but compared to normal non area frigate restore, the recovery effect is slower and smaller…

and oh… the range burst repair one kinda same as the normal one…

Ah. Frigates. Oh how I love to cloak 4000 M away, sneak in, and shove a couple Cruise missiles up their rear then dart away like nothing happned lol.

you havent counter one with hedgehog system hahaha

you havent counter one with hedgehog system hahaha

That actually happened before, but I have a stasis field, so they wouldn’t be able to escape the 20k + damage barrage even if they wanted lol.