As an undergraduate, I am very sensitive to this word. Usually when it appears I am expected to write an essay and cite scholarly articles and stuff.
just curious, a Styx gets over 60 K Survivabilty, and outshines lots of Engees above their Tier.
First and foremost, survivability is only a number. My Styx used to have over 70k survivability, but since then I’ve tweaked my builds and implants and I would say that my Styx seems to last quite a bit longer than before. Let’s not forget that survivability figures excludes Armadillo, Gigas II and adaptive shields, so Fed engies actually have higher survivability than what numbers reflect.
just curious, a Styx gets over 60 K Survivabilty, and outshines lots of Engees above their Tier.
In what way does the Styx outshine other engies? I don’t have any ships above T3, but from what I can see, Minotaur also has a similar passive slot layout so it should be able to tank better than the Styx due to it being a higher tier ship (it loses out with weaker heals admittedly). Fed engies also have a different role altogether because of their superior mobility, so it’s a bit hard to compare.
The Valor is a pretty reliable Fed Engie, and verses Speed and offensive capabilities. You can see Zaps Pseudofighter Coil Mortar build as video in the [video section](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22319-video-solo-pug-with-valor/), which is a pretty impressive use of it. I use the Valor now since Positrons came out as a positron engi; and i have had my success in holding up / killing megastyxes with that (Mustachos’ Styx for sure isn’t badly tanked; he is reknown for his uberstyx), however the speed / positron build is an excellent mid range sniper (you get hits up to 7-8k - much like the M24 snipes out the M95 snipers from a mid range position) but from a good position you can hold up an entire fleet with that and rival snipers in their job. And there are countless other Valor / Anaconda pilots who have very interesting and dangerous fits.
The Anaconda is slightly weaker than the Valor, but provides a bit more versatility in having 2 cpus (moar range!), otherwise has higher crit chance and a bit less damage.
In T4, both the Grizzly and the Grizzly-M are better versions of the mentioned T3 engies. E.g. Zaps build should work on a Grizzly-M even better.
The Styx has way less offensive power, but yes, it’s a tank and can have either a never ending buffer or very strong resistances. The Minotaur however is stronger than the Styx, while the Garm can be quite a tanky offensive ship. In the end of the day, I take the Valor over the Styx hands down, simply because if it comes to a prolongued shootout with even teams, the Styxes are going to melt someday behind an asteroid, so all they add is a delay, while in a wild battle, mobility wins. The only bad news for fed engies is, that if you are overrun, your tank will be inferior.
Minotaur is already weaker than Grizzly-M because of the heals. Osprey and T-Rex have also bigger heals, and we better don’t talk about Naga.
Why would you bring that ship to T5? You better bring a guard, will be more useful (active modules). You will be outhealed by everyone so 3 of 4 modules will be useless, and your tankiness wont help much.
And anyway Minotaur will keep blowing up in seconds if a Lightbringer charges against it.
It seems to get by well enough in sec con, with only mk2 everything but hull heals, which are purple.
Your enemies must have done it very wrong tho.
Btw I’m not saying it’s bad, it’s just inferior than the Naga or Grizzly-M, having higher hull and shield stats doesn’t mean it will last longer in battle.
It’s like flying a Swift Eagle instead of a Spectre Falcom, the ship is still viable and damn good, but imo the Spectre Falcom thanks to the extra stats and implants makes it sightly better, maybe not much, because the passive modules and bonuses are better on the SEalge imo but you get the point.
The difference between Naga and Minotaur is bigger tho.