Styx build?

Finally got around to playing frigs and picked up the Styx. I love this damn thing – armor tanks like an Amarr boat :wink:

With that being said, what are the current builds I should be looking at? Has 3 armor slots, thought about kitting up a full buffer tank rather than resist tanks, but was unsure if that’s the route to roll currently.

2x armor plated hull and 1x galvanized armor is usually the way to go but it also works vice versa so you can take advantage of your always on hull regen.

Finally got around to playing frigs and picked up the Styx. I love this damn thing – armor tanks like an Amarr boat :wink:

With that being said, what are the current builds I should be looking at? Has 3 armor slots, thought about kitting up a full buffer tank rather than resist tanks, but was unsure if that’s the route to roll currently.



Some pretty good conversation about the Styx builds 


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21808-how-to-play-more-intelligently-as-an-engineering-frigate/)


Got mine to just under 70K survivability.  BUT that may not always be the right or suitable thing for everyone’s style or play. 

The most important things are the implants imho:


The first one, if you prefer raw resists take the Jericho one.

If you want crit resist and resist again explosions (mortar, any kind of mines and missiles) take the Fed one.

I don’t recommend the Empire one.


And Gigas II, the 9 from Empire, take it always, you will need those resists when u’re focused.


About mods, maneuver is the way to go imo, you are a flying brik, you need maneuver not raw speed. On the energy slot you can chose almost everyone because if you fit energy emitter you will not have energy problems. Acceleration Coils are a good choice if you have Coil Mortar, you can also take the one who gives you damage if you want to be a damage dealer. On shield you can take thermal resist if you’re afraid of jerry torpedos and cov ops, EM resist if you want to have some protection against positrons and bubbles, or raw shield. On hull I would go x2 plated and 1 galvanized, with 1 galvanized u’re good to go, gigas will give u lots of resists, and if you put 2 many galvanized your maneuver will be horrible, and you don’t want that. On cpu I would choose range because it’s simply useful. If you don’t feel like you need it I would take aim time reduction since it will go from 2.5 to 1 or so, it’s pretty useful against interceptors.

im a minority on this subject, but i use kinet resist, thermo resist, and galvanized for armour slots. with jerry r1 implant and the sheild resist implants anything short of full on focus fire i can pretty much tank for quite a long time

One note about the double armor with galvanized.  If you survive, it will take you time to heal.  Make sure your hull repair station is purple and it will still be slow.  The stations repair faster but are limited to one ship at a time.  Combining it with your hull aura helps you heal faster.  Also, maneuverability is key, as with any ship.  Strafe, rotate, and dogde.  Force your opponents to use their targeting skills, since you can’t only rely on your tank.  Pure speed helps you get to the action, maneuverability keeps you in the action.  A brick can’t get to the action very fast.  Getting 70k survivability with a booster is possible once it’s elite.


Gigas II I’m not 100% sure about.  Some deaths are the result of being targeted by multiple enemies and often I’m dead anyway.  I use “SR Mark 3” because I also fly Jericho ships and SR Mark 3 is worth it for Jericho ships with smaller hulls and it’s decent on fed ships.  If you have an only Empire set up, Gigas II would be better.  If I’m on an Empire ship and my shields are gone, I can know I’m ok.  If I’m on a Jericho ship, I’m in trouble if they get me to hull.

For some reason my Styx is an ECM magnet, so I equip mine with a proton wall.


Also… strafe speed isn’t affected by your mobility-reducing hull modules, as opposed to rotation. I stacked strafe speed on mine so I can duck in and out of cover. 

For some reason my Styx is an ECM magnet, so I equip mine with a proton wall.


Also… strafe speed isn’t affected by your mobility-reducing hull modules, as opposed to rotation. I stacked strafe speed on mine so I can duck in and out of cover. 

For some reason I have noticed more ECM’s lately, I’m not sure why.  I’ll give it more time before giving up critical chance.  I can still tank in that time.


But yes, strafe speed is great.  I still use vernier engines, but I won’t give up the cheetah implant.

2x armor plated hull will take forever to recover from an assault. I’d suggest resistances: 1 galvanized + 1 thermal + 1 kinetic

I used rank 1 armadillo implant partly because i fly interceptors and partly because the resistances on my tanky ships are near about 100 already.


Probably not the best but suits me.


(Em-diffuser on shield due to increasing amount of rf-blasters on field). Depending on what you face usually, you can either go thermal or raw shield increase. I have yet to try async shield projector (regen rate increase), try that out for a few matches



If it suits you, it’s best for you.


Survivability is only a number. It’s how your tanking capabilities support your playstyle that really matters. I happen to be also an ion fighter magnet, so all the thermal resists in the world cannot save me.

This is the build which fits me the most.

Slow but heavy


Important for me are the implants which match my playstylie.


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21475-skillbaum/)




This is the build which fits me the most.

Slow but heavy


Important for me are the implants which match my playstylie.


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21475-skillbaum/)

 1) I recommend replacing your R7 implant - it doesn’t do anything for your ship - you have 3 passive modules that are benefit from regen rather than volume (this implant is mostly for command ships, and pretty much everything else flies r7 federation, it provides way more benefit on energy management)

 2) If you really need self defence module - use composite coating it provides much better protection boost vs that self heal, but overall Hull repairing egg can and will repair better, as long as you drop them somewhere on the side and it doesn’t get blown off to pieces in 1st second.


P.S. Regarding styx i, personally would use adaptive shield in shield slot, because the way i position myself on an-engineer - when i receive most of the dmg - it is on the move, with energy emitter you can AB for long time so you can benefit your shield and hull with adaptive making you that much tankier but it is hard to combine with positron weapons on defence.

thanks for the input, I will consider it.


I already changed the Implants

 1) I recommend replacing your R7 implant - it doesn’t do anything for your ship - you have 3 passive modules that are benefit from regen rather than volume (this implant is mostly for command ships, and pretty much everything else flies r7 federation, it provides way more benefit on energy management)

 2) If you really need self defence module - use composite coating it provides much better protection boost vs that self heal, but overall Hull repairing egg can and will repair better, as long as you drop them somewhere on the side and it doesn’t get blown off to pieces in 1st second.


P.S. Regarding styx i, personally would use adaptive shield in shield slot, because the way i position myself on an-engineer - when i receive most of the dmg - it is on the move, with energy emitter you can AB for long time so you can benefit your shield and hull with adaptive making you that much tankier but it is hard to combine with positron weapons on defence.

The Fed R7 should be standard for pretty much everything.  The only reason to switch is for solely commands to a point of fault.


The self hull repair is trivial, useless on any engineer on any faction.  The only frigate to use it is an LRF.  The hull repair station is best, but you have to plant it somewhere safe and move a little away from it to make sure it doesn’t take incidental fire.


Regarding the shield slot, adaptive isn’t fitting for a Styx since it’s a guard with aura heals more than an engineer.  In a firefight I’m strafing more than flying at full speed.  Compact shield generator could work if you’re in a very energy negative build.  Asynchronous doesn’t matter since shields on a Styx are almost ignorable.  That leaves auxiliary and the three resists.  I feel thermal’s less of an issue for the ship’s standard gameplay.  In my opinion, since there is only one slot, you should pick auxiliary or shield projection splitter.  Shield projection will help you live a tad longer but at the cost of forward acceleration.  Given it’s a brick, I go with projection instead of auxiliary.  I don’t think auxiliary affects strafing acceleration.

My Styx fitting (Slightly different to most as not gone for the highest surviveability numbers I could)



 i prefer this setup  and in crossfire 1v1 I am winner everytime



Kipps’ and Necro’s engies


So speed. Much purple. Wow.

I know numbers aren’t everything but I’ve  always  got very good results with this pretty simple Guard-gineer.





Sometimes I change that Voltage Regulator for something else like Acc Coils because Energy Emitter gives a decent amount of energy.



Thanks much for the input! Having a blast thus far with it and am 1 bar away from full syn! I’ve been primarily using the coil mortar, but was thinking about experimenting with the others (everything but the blaster… too damn slow on the turns to get it to line up).


Best game thus far was when I was cap on recon. Oh man… having 3 people pounding on the hull but still not going down was awesome.

A couple days ago I finally got my first cap eat cap medal, 3v3 without bots, me in my guardgineer.