Stuck in New Eden

Stuck in New Eden after update. I didn’t get sent to Ellydium Station and I’m not level 10 to use the gates to get there.




How is that a bug?The gate tells you you need to be r10 and you aren’t → You can’t use it. Just go back to hangar and then select ellydium station on the worldmap to undock… that should get you back there.

Tried that already. It says I’ve never been there and will have to reach it manually. But I can’t get there because the gates in New Eden are level 10 (I’m level 9), I can’t get to level 10 b/c I can’t start the campaign since I can’t get to Ellydium. 


it’s like a vicious circle  …:confused:

I actually think that part is the bugged part, of what you are experiencing XD.

I’m still stuck in New Eden, I’m coming to terms with the fact that I live there now =P