Strange Screenshots

It’s very strage look 





What is it ? o_O An alien spirit?

I found one of these as well. They are very strange. 0.o

Seems like only foxes see them.

Seems like only foxes see them.


This is not fake

Maybe a glitch or something?

This is not fake





Don’t bother, English is not his strong point. But you both are French so you can talk to him in French. :005j:


I’ve seen them too, looks like some kind of worthless visual bug.

I’m more looking at your loss… o.O  I do’t usually get that in Invasion, only in PVP

I can help with this one. It’s a plasma projectile of a Hunter, which somehow got stucked and it’s showing this visual effect.

i found that anomaly when aliens appear. somehow ivans like that…


I’m more looking at your loss… o.O  I do’t usually get that in Invasion, only in PVP

An alien ship projectiles blocked? I doubt the alien ship not pass me. so … that does not bit to be weapon projectile

do you use google translate ?

do you use google translate ?

I have no choice



When you make big sentences, put the french version in a spoiler. Hopefully someone will help you translate.

Well, sometimes pictures do tell more, than words.