Strange occourence

I saw a player have two ships in the battlefield.

I expected smooth gameplay, without any of this.

Normal, PvP T3 (R10-R15).

It seemed like the player had another ship in the battlefield while flying his own, another one. The “extra” ship kept changing its marker color from blue to red, as if the matchmaker couldn’t deside on which side he should be. Also the tag and name were white or grayish.

Twice today, random appearance in battles.




CET around 22:00


isn’t that just the mod that creates a clone image of your ship?

How odd…

I have seen this before but only once, and I could not reproduce it. It seems to be due to the holo-ships, because in my case like in yours, it was a recon.

There isn’t player named ‘leviafan1743’ in attachments logs. May be it wrong log files from other date?

Or is it a time traveller?

ECM system hacked a holo ship? Is it possible?

2 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Or is it a time traveller?

Dat recon is so fast it went back in time

He may be fast but nothing can reach the undeniable unreachable and uncredible speed of weed sanic,here is a demonstration of that:


On 18. 11. 2016 at 6:52 AM, Skula1975 said:

There isn’t player named ‘leviafan1743’ in attachments logs. May be it wrong log files from other date?

you see, it might have been. I already have 3 logs from that day, bevause the client crashed twice. Now that is not my fault, I don’t remember when I got that screen… I just remember I was that day. I’ll attach the other files as well.


On 18. 11. 2016 at 0:02 PM, niripas said:

ECM system hacked a holo ship? Is it possible?

Not sure about that. I think I’ve seen a double guard that day as well.

There were only one player ‘leviafan1743’ in this battle. I think it were UI issue only.

As I understood, issue is not repeated again?

this bug has never appeared again from that day yet, yes.

What might have happened - a player - leviafan got into battle, but the mm didn’t realize he was there already, so he has been put there again (double leviafan), but only one was being actually played. The mm duplicated the player, yet because there cannot be 2 account of the same client in one battle, it only shows as there is only one.