Stop sneak attacks in Invasion

Mmhmm. Just stay 5k away from everything. All the PKers have huge amounts of negative karma, most everyone else will leave you along as long as you don’t look threatening.

If you lose cargo, your own fault for getting sidetracked with loot while doing Mono runs. If some kills you, congrats they got fuel and wasted 5 minute of your time it took to travel.





Remove negative karma leaderboard, problem solved.

I feel like I’m missing out on something here. Never been sneek attacked in inavsion, only blatently obvious ones who I then proceed to launch a em torp in their face.

Again, there are safe zones if you want safety. Dangerous zones are dangerous… why is it so hard for everyone to understand

I’m not against the PvP aspect, but just the trolling aspect.  If you’re tied up with picking up loot you might not notice the cloaked CO behind you.  An ECM might be waiting to lock you down for ten seconds so you can’t respond.  It’s not even a man to man fight, it’s a sucker punch.


Remove negative karma leaderboard, problem solved.

They don’t care.  They do it anyway.

I’m not against the PvP aspect, but just the trolling aspect.  If you’re tied up with picking up loot you might not notice the cloaked CO behind you.  An ECM might be waiting to lock you down for ten seconds so you can’t respond.


  1. Maximize CPU slots and implants with Proton Walls and Negative Effect resistance.


  1. Increase speed and keep just enough armor to survive the initial barrage.


  1. Use a ship with a radar or visible cloak.


  1. Always fly Tier 4 or higher.


  1. Flares.


Then again, if there are players who still want to farm in PvP sectors without all the risk, I’ve just opened a new business.





Blackwood Security Solutions

We escort you through Dangerous Space!


It’s still a work in progress, but I am accepting applications.  :fed_cool:

Then again, if there are players who still want to farm in PvP sectors without all the risk, I’ve just opened a new business.





Blackwood Security Solutions

We escort you through Dangerous Space!


It’s still a work in progress, but I am accepting applications.  :fed_cool:



I ran into a recon + cov ops 6 man squad of VIII corp who proclaimed in general chat (both in English and in Russian in the same message):


“This is the Empire Police Force, shut down your engines and you shall not be harmed!”  They then proceeded to all lock on to me and fly in formation around and behind me in quite a neat manner until I got my mission done.  I think they were russian cos they did not reply to my messages, but it was a cool idea :smiley:  I was orange in a station protection zone, so that’s why they intercepted me.



In my corp we sometimes offer a free high quality taxi service for lonely engineers and LRFs who have too much loot onboard.  Unfortunately our lines only run in one direction: back to the Station.   Sometimes we get unsatisfied customers who use a duplicator and complain in general chat, but they get to their destination eventually… XD

I ran into a recon + cov ops 6 man squad of VIII corp who proclaimed in general chat (both in English and in Russian in the same message):

They are Russian.  They tried to branch out to the English forums but I don’t think they found much luck.

Same old. 


It speaks volumes that the devs are asking for (and willing to pay for) player feedback.


Old and new players come to this forum with genuine concerns. Most of the replies from the ‘experts’ boil down to - “Im winning so dont change anything”.


If you get killed by a sneak attack, clearly your ship build sucks and you didn’t come prepared with an escape option.


As brave Sir Genelnari (who never self destructs in order to protect his SR) has stated -




^ nice. the forum software replaces the word n*o*o*b with Ace.

Remove negative karma leaderboard, problem solved.


You can remove negative karma for 5000GS.

If you’re 1 point below 0 or 150000, it’s the same, which is lame!

My advice, fly in a squad. you’re safer that way. When i was in ultra, we would fly wings of 8 a lot and the only people who we would fight were other corps who attacked us. who’s gonna attack 4 guards, and engi, and some interceptors by himself? Only a fool or killexzander.