Steam dlc questions

Sooo i got me the medium steam dlc for i found the 25% very worth it and enjoy the game.


Now i got 2 questions


Can i see somewhere the “permament” gold vip bonus? just to be curious (and to showoff to friends ;))


And i got 30 days extra premium that werent listed, which im happy but suspicious about and hope that is NOT the gold vip bonus, if those were part of the package, HELL YEAH :smiley: you should note that on the dlc page as that could show more people that those are worth it


Thanks in advance

Intersted in the answer too.

also id like to know if the boni stack and whats happens if you get the mercenary pack last for example, will its bonus overwrite the better ones?

Those boni (btw is this really the plural of bonus?) has different names: VIP Card, Gold VIP Card, and Platinum VIP card. So I believe (NOT confirm; BELIEVE) bonuses are accumulative, netting you 30% reputation for example.

Bump :slight_smile: because my questions still havent been answered

This may take a while, its buring everywhere right now. :dntknw:


The Details of the Steam DLC Packs havent been tested, nor do i have any infos about it righ now.

Well the money has been spent and the burning can be seen miles away like a exploding anitmatter driver :wink:


You got any idea when there could details be told, im very much enjoying this game and just would like to know more about all


One question tho, if i take my t3 empire fighter into a pve do i increase the difficulty for the team when they are only t1 and 2’s ?

Well the money has been spent and the burning can be seen miles away like a exploding anitmatter driver :wink:


You got any idea when there could details be told, im very much enjoying this game and just would like to know more about all


One question tho, if i take my t3 empire fighter into a pve do i increase the difficulty for the team when they are only t1 and 2’s ?

no, you will get in T2 PVE

if everyone in your squad the highest ship is T3,you will enter a harder one

I bought the DLC pack and have no way of activating it, i didn’t even get the bonus money… can’t find how to link steam account to yuplay account, there’s no button on login like someone people say… any help?


Edit: reinstalling the game completely brought up the option. Huzzah!