Steam Broadcasting


Do you want to show off? Steam gives you such an opportunity!

Ask your friend to broadcast your game. Does your friend want to learn how to play as you do? Join his translation and give him tips.

Read more about Steam Broadcasting here.





I have already done it before. You’re late! :002j:

This actually convinced me to buy another game, after I watched a friend playing it. Steam has had a very good idea with this

I have no friends :frowning:

I have no friends :frowning:


I have no friends :frowning:


You’ve got four friends

Lol I got this to work but none of my friends actually like this game. (Aside from ones I met in-game ofc)

Seems pretty cool ta me. X3

(Add. to above comment: I actually got quite a few games just watching streams. They’re a great way to learn what’s new and fun~)

Quite late indeed. I’ve been doing this (set available to everybody, not just friends) for a number of months, now.

This actually convinced me to buy another game, after I watched a friend playing it. Steam has had a very good idea with this


Volvo is good at making you buy games.