Stats missing on tai'Thaq


all my requests are in the video here : 

Thanks for paying attention to it,
Sogh CEO of the ArkangesFR.

16 hours ago, Sogh said:

all my requests are in the video here : 

Please write it here also


with my corporation we have seen that a stat were missing on the tai’thaq description.

The critical chances on the tai’thaq  are missing, the video is here to prove that this stat exists.
Could you please add this stat to the weapon’s description? 

Sogh, CEO of the ArkangeFR Corporation.

Yes, Tai’thaq looks able to do critical hit (that we show in video). But on weapon description, the stats “Critical hit chance” and "Critical bonus damage’’ are missing. So it that possible to update the description to unhide those missing stats please?    Thanks,

On 10/3/2020 at 3:31 PM, Sogh said:

The critical chances on the tai’thaq  are missing, the video is here to prove that this stat exists.


Crit chance an crit damage for Tai’thaq are 0. Without logs I can’t say more.