Station camping and aggro timers

How do the aggression timers work? Sometimes people shoot me and do damage when I undock, and sometimes they shoot me but I don’t get damage. I always have station protection enabled.


I was in dangerous space with a newbie friend, and when we got back to the station with our loot, my friend got instagibbed and robbed by someone. We haven’t done anything, just shooting aliens in Pallas Border (Jericho region). How come the other guy could kill my newbie friend? And is that considered griefing, or is it a legal part of the game like in EVE?

I never see any indicator whether I can be damaged or not :frowning:

How do the aggression timers work? Sometimes people shoot me and do damage when I undock, and sometimes they shoot me but I don’t get damage. I always have station protection enabled.


I was in dangerous space with a newbie friend, and when we got back to the station with our loot, my friend got instagibbed and robbed by someone. We haven’t done anything, just shooting aliens in Pallas Border (Jericho region). How come the other guy could kill my newbie friend? And is that considered griefing, or is it a legal part of the game like in EVE?

I never see any indicator whether I can be damaged or not :frowning:

If you are in a squad with another pilot who has the station protection off, then all of you will have it off.

We both have it enabled. He had it disabled a while ago to test something, but turned it back on after the test.

We both have it enabled. He had it disabled a while ago to test something, but turned it back on after the test.

Did you remake the squad? because if not, there you have it.

Did you remake the squad? because if not, there you have it.


Yes, we remade the squad multiple times before today. His test was a week ago. Since then we always had the protection enabled.

Yes, we remade the squad multiple times before today. His test was a week ago. Since then we always had the protection enabled.

If both of you have station protection it is impossible that anybody can kill you. No matter how hard they try. It could be either the weirdest of bugs, or that some of you had the station protection unchecked.


Edit: Wait, were you in a DANGEROUS sector? Because that is the dangerous part of a dangerous sector. Station protection doesn’t apply there… So it is dangerous to go there…

Edit: Wait, were you in a DANGEROUS sector? Because that is the dangerous part of a dangerous sector. Station protection doesn’t apply there… So it is dangerous to go there…


Yes, we roamed around in a dangerous sector because we had a mission there. On our way back, my friend got killed in the sector of the home station. He was already docking, but before the docking loading bar finished, some random guy just obliterated him in less than 2 seconds and took all his stuff.


Does my friend get marked criminal if he shoots me when we are in a squad?

It has happened more than once, always in front of the station. Sometimes we form a squad to roam around, undock, and suddenly one of us is dead, killed by a player. Hence my question how these aggression timers work. Because we all have protection enabled but got killed sometimes. So apparently there is some way around the station protection.

Yes, we roamed around in a dangerous sector because we had a mission there. On our way back, my friend got killed in the sector of the home station. He was already docking, but before the docking loading bar finished, some random guy just obliterated him in less than 2 seconds and took all his stuff.


Does my friend get marked criminal if he shoots me when we are in a squad?

As I understand it, if a player has station protection enabled, he should never be killable by other players. But it has happened more than once, always in front of the station. Sometimes we login, form a squad to roam around, undock, and suddenly my friend is dead, killed by a player. Hence my question how these aggression timers work. Because we all have protection enabled but got killed sometimes. So apparently there is some way around the station protection.

That means someone in the squad has the station protection off.


OR, some kind of weird bug.


Except if you law enforcement NPCs, then you are marked as criminal no matter what. But you will have the skull on your name and you can see it in your HUD.

That means someone in the squad has the station protection off.


OR, some kind of weird bug.


Except if you law enforcement NPCs, then you are marked as criminal no matter what. But you will have the skull on your name and you can see it in your HUD.

doesn’t negative karma do the same thing as criminal status?

I’m pretty sure there was some kind of bug before where people were killing others even with protection on. It didn’t get much notice so it’s possible it still exists.


Otherwise - make sure protection is on for both of you before undock, and don’t get criminal status by blowing up transports or other players in the dangerous sector. That said criminals can jump gates but they cannot Dock afaik so it seems like this could be a bug.