Stasis Generator = Skill-less mode...

It seems that almost every battle i get into, i get zapped with a stasis generator, my ship is disabled and next thing you know i’m dead because of that… in my own side of the map.

last few games i attempted to defend one of the beacons that was getting capped… the person uses stasis generator and rocket spammed me and i’m dead in less than 5 seconds, and the beacon was capped… again the second time with my last ship to use as well…

anyone else experiencing the same frustration?

Me, the dam stasis generator desable your turbo. this suck AND the generator never shutdown :frowning:

Stasis generator is a stunn. All Ship Systems are out of order and you are stuck where you are, defencesless and helpless. In 1v1 this module grants the user a huge advantage but to get a ship down you need to throw most of you rockets on the target.

Only Intercepot can carry this module and it requires a lot of energy to use. ~30-40% of the ships enregy with an untrained ship.

I used it and also a lot of other players too, but without rockets you cant die that fast. Only if you are already weakend or focused by muliple attackers. The only one screwed here is also an Intercepotr in 1v1 if he gets bursted.

I dont think its overpowerd. Its strong but since we are playing a team based game you can counter it pretty well. Also the high cooldown forces the user to think when and where to place the stunn.

What ? stasis generator is a mod for frigate!

He desable the afterburner of all ships in a medium(+/- 2000m). and this mod is continus, he never turn off.

frigates don’t carry a stasis generator… only interceptors do (which is highly annoying)… if you read what gentaei posted, you would understand this… but i guess you don’t apparently…

the one you’re trying to describe might be Arkan System, where it disables your afterburner.

sorry, my mistake. Frigates have the sistem arkam

Then we sould change the title to discuss about the Arkhan System. :fed001:

The AoE debuff its offering is quite annoing yes. I fought against some who used it and it was hard to even evade the incomming bullets. Its like a death zone within its range. Frig + Sniper + Arkhan = sure kills in mele.

So far i think its a bit to strong. The blind spots are also making a random dance in freecam useless. The only way we can counter it atm is to stay in long range combat.

Freecam in its pre nerfed state was a good way to get someone down while still evading in slo mo, giving the possibility to get out and still hurt the frig.

Well i’m mostly discussing on how annoying the stasis generator is for when you get “stunned” and rocketspammed to death in 5 seconds…

Yes, Stasis Gen and all the other EW mods (Which ever one does the same thing for the Attack Ships) in the Energy line are completely broken overpowered. I’ll just revert back to T1 ships just to avoid having to deal with that, because it’s absurdly out of balance at this point.

CC 4 the win. Its the same in every game. Stun, slow, silence… and your mostly dead. There is no brokenly OP thing out there, you only need to think out how to counter hit. Pay attention and stun your opponent by yourself and its not so op anymore. Hurt them whitout getting hurt. ^^

CC 4 the win. Its the same in every game. Stun, slow, silence… and your mostly dead. There is no brokenly OP thing out there, you only need to think out how to counter hit. Pay attention and stun your opponent by yourself and its not so op anymore. Hurt them whitout getting hurt. ^^

If I understand you correctly, in “those” games, you get back the same class as you were before. Or not, but even then, it’s your choise. This time around you are forced to use another ship. More than that, as far as i’ve seen, it is the only module, that makes you completely defenceless.

I suggest, that stasis, while immobilising the target ship, would render it immune to all damage, hence making it a defensive skill. Even then you can punish players with it, since after that 5 - second period they will be targeted by all nearby ships, yet have some slight possibility to defend themselves.

stasis should just ‘hold’ a ship, it’s system should still work. If the lock is lost on the ship, the stasis should be broken. Would be a few counters then.

tbh, it’s nearly impossible to get out of the ‘stasis grasp’ of a medium skilled player using it at a key momentum. And spaming rockets is just another way to say it’s an ‘I win button’.

Of course there’s things to be done in a group v group, but be honnest, will you target inty’es first in a fight ? You won’t save any of your inties / attack ships if they got rape before you can even target them and use a skill on them.